17: Haircut (Armin x Reader)

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We started training again, but this time we focused on hand-to-hand combat. 

It was me vs. Eren. 

We were pushed passed our limits and the both of us ended up passing out for 2 days straight.

And later, when I finally came to again... I had to make another hard decision that I wasn't ready for...

After a disappointing breakfast and lunch, the next day, Hange, Armin, Mikasa, and Levi decided (y/n) and Eren had slept long enough. They needed to drink and eat something soon. As they reached the cold attic - it was cloudy and rainy outside - they noticed Eren was sitting up, his head in his hands.

"Eren!" Mikasa let out, landing beside his bed on her knees, to see if he was alright, and had all of his face. She was elated to find out he did.

Instinctively, Eren brushed Mikasa aside, afraid she might get too close as usual. Even though his mind was foggy, he didn't want to give Mikasa the wrong impression.

"So, you're up," Levi muttered.

"Yeah," he spoke, sounding tired as hell, despite just waking up.

Armin instantly sat down on the side of (y/n)'s bed, facing Eren. He put his hand on her shoulder, gently shaking her.

"Hey, (y/n)," he muttered. When she still didn't wake, Levi approached them.

A firm-handed slap to the cheek opened her eyes.

"Hey!" Armin was angered.

"You did not need to do that," Eren spoke under his breath.

Levi ignored them both.

"Huh?" (y/n) mumbled in confusion.

"You've been out for almost 48 hours, (y/n)," he spoke, but seeing her with her eyes open and hearing her voice again almost magically lifted a part of his bad mood off his shoulders. She blinked a few times, processing his words, trying to make sense of the time of day.

"Oh," she mumbled shamefully as she sat up. She rubbed her eyes. Before making any other movements, she jerked her head sideways to make sure that Eren was also alright. She let out a sigh of relief when he saw her sitting on his bed. He looks annoyed as usual... Heh... he looks fine.

Then, she brought her knees up and crossed her arms, leaning against them, hiding her face. Armin brought a comforting hand over to rest on her knees. (y/n) automatically grabbed his hand and held on.

"We didn't succeed, did we...?" she asked, her voice muffled.

Armin covered their hands with his other one and squeezed as if to tell her that it was okay.

"No." Levi answered directly. He did not like Armin and (y/n) holding hands one bit.

"I don't remember anything from the experiments. How did the hardening go?" Eren asked.

"Unfortunately, it didn't happen. To either of you." Hange explained glumly. "But it's interesting... (y/n), you do remember the experiments while Eren doesn't?"

"Well, no, not exactly. I only remember feeling really crappy at the end of the day, meaning we couldn't harden. For the rest, it's kind of a blank," (y/n) admitted.

"Well, everything was going alright," Armin spoke. "You two performed the agility and endurance tests admirably, but you wrote in the ground with your fingers that you didn't know how to harden yourself."

"So... what's next? Do you want to continue testing...?" (y/n) asked worriedly, not wanting to go through the pain and the humiliation of failing again.

Y/N's Diary (AoT Boys x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ