4: At Headquarters (Eren x Reader)

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During the Battle of Trost, after Armin's heartfelt speech to use Eren's titan abilities to seal the wall with a boulder, everything went to shit. Eren went berserk, almost tried to kill Mikasa, and the rest of the friends almost died too. 

In my fury and anger... I also turned out to be a titan shifter!


How could this be possible?

To this day, I still haven't a clue. But it was a fact. Like Eren, I turned into a titan and together we sealed the gate.

You'd think we would be celebrated like heroes, but no. We were dragged by our hairs and taken into custody by the MPs.

A trial took place, but, luckily, Commander Erwin and Captain Levi managed to convince the judge to have Eren and I join the scout regiment instead--only after a good display of beating...

"We're leaving for HQ immediately," announced Levi.

"Wait, I have to say goodbye to my friends first!" (y/n) interjected.

"Tch-, fine. You two, meet me back here in an hour. Don't be late," he said with a stern look.

"You got it! Let's go, Eren!" she said excitedly as they ran out of the building to find their friends.

"(y/n)," Eren started to say, as they walked towards a pub downtown. "I need to talk to you. It's important. About what happened at the trial, among other things."

"I know," she responded with a frown. "So do I. But let's meet the others first, and we'll talk when we're alone in the Survey Corps."


"There they are!" they all yelled as (y/n) and Eren entered the dimly lit tavern.

Mikasa lunged herself at Eren. She hugged him extremely tightly. (y/n) did not fail to notice this. Her lip twitched. Eren struggled to push Mikasa off, all the while looking desperately at (y/n), hoping she wouldn't get the wrong idea.

I already know. And that's why... (y/n) clenched her fist mimicking the clenching of her heart.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay..." said Mikasa, grabbing Eren's face with both her hands, forcing him to look at her. "I will KILL that little pipsqueak for what he did to you!" she spat.

"Please, get off me, Mikasa," said Eren irritably.

Jean walked up to (y/n). "God... Your face! I hear that Captain Levi really did a number on you. What an asshole!" he said, sounding genuinely angry.

He also reached up to touch her face but stopped himself. He didn't want to add anymore pain to her wounds. Instead, he placed both hands on her shoulders and stared into her eyes.

"Don't misunderstand. If Levi hadn't done that, we would have been executed," said (y/n) defensively.

"That's right, Jean," said Armin, frowning. "The Commander and the Captain had to make a difficult choice. And I bet it hurt them just as much to perform it."

He then turned to (y/n) and hugged her. Leading her with her hand, they walked over to the table where the others sat.

(y/n) and Eren decided to have a beer with their friends. And then another. And maybe another. They had a great time.

"Come, have a drink with me, (y/n)!" a drunk Reiner hollered.

Leaving Armin behind, (y/n) stumbled over and took another beer with him.

"That's my girl!" he said, as he placed a hand on her lower back and caressed lightly. "Did you know you're the most—"

"Where's Marco, though?" (y/n) interjected, noticing his absence.

Reiner suddenly stiffened in his seat. He removed his hand from (y/n)'s back.

"Not sure," answered Jean, annoyed by Reiner being all touchy feely with (y/n). "I guess he turned in early. It was an exhausting day after all. And tomorrow is even worse..."

"Right, I see," (y/n) said. She looked at the clock. "SHIT! Eren we're gonna be late! Ah man, Levi's gonna kick our asses... again!"

"Yeah, we gotta go," said Eren, relieved that he could finally pull away from Mikasa's excessive doting.

He was frustrated by the fact that everyone else got to drink with (y/n) but not him. And it was all Mikasa's fault. He clenched his fist.

(y/n) stood up to hug everyone goodbye, but she stumbled as soon as she stood.

Shit.. How much did I end up drinking?

She clumsily hugged everyone. She even gave all the boys a kiss on the cheek, causing everyone to flush. Whoops. That might have been the alcohol, she thought, giggling aloud.

"Bye! Till next time! I love you all!" she exclaimed as she and Eren hastily left.

"You're drunk," commented Eren.

"Yup!" (y/n) laughed, stumbling all over the place. "And I love it!"

"Come here." Eren grabbed hold of (y/n)'s hand, turning her around so that they faced each other again.

"Oh!" (y/n) grinned but then grimaced. "Don't want Mikasa to see that, now do we?"

"Please, stop." Eren was clearly upset about what happened. "I don't want to talk about that right now."

"Of course not!" she rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's get you out of here."

In front of the building stood an angry Levi with his arms crossed. He noticed Eren and (y/n) holding hands. The horses and a few others were already there.

"Eren, we fucked up," (y/n) admitted aloud, removing her hand from his.

"Yup," he agreed.

I was drunk. 

I met the rest of the Levi squad that night but I hardly recall much. Petra was nice, everyone else was just there. There was one, Oluo, I think. I didn't like him much. 

We stopped inside a forest and camped for the night. It had started to rain and being the drunk idiot I was... I forgot to set up my tent. 

I quickly got up, realizing I had two options:

Levi's tent or Eren's tent.

I had to make a decision.


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