30: The Lie (Eren x Reader)

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The woman was everywhere. 

I couldn't even spend a moment alone with Eren without that bitch nearby. And the worst part was... it didn't appear to bother Eren as much as did me. 

I just don't understand it.

I thought I might have been overthinking things, but then I caught Eren in a lie...

What should I do?

"(y/n), get your head out of your ass. Hange's calling you," Levi suddenly spoke up. (y/n) gritted her teeth and went to see what Hange was saying.

"You're done for the day," Hange told her. "We'll continue with Eren for the time being."

As the sun started to set, (y/n) sulked back to the castle.

"I don't know what I expected," she mumbled to nobody in particular as she slouched her way across the courtyard.

"Hey! (y/n)!"

(y/n) spun around to find Floch waving at her.

"Tough day?" he asked her, frowning slightly. He turned to face the area where Eren was still training. "Seeing both of your titans in person is really something."

(y/n) also watched Eren from the distance. She also liked his titan form.

"Wait, you saw mine too?" she asked.

"I was helping Armin and the others nearby, and I snuck out to watch you two for a moment. Your titan was fucking awesome."

(y/n) blushed. "Thanks."

"I know it's not my place to say anything since I can't transform, but I hope you're not too sad about today's results."

"I guess... No one expected me to be able to do it anyway..."

"Don't say that. I noticed how desperate Section Commander Hange was getting. And how angry Captain Levi looked," he added, shuddering.

"You get used to their personalities," (y/n) suddenly smiled.

"I hope so. Ever since I transferred, I've just been trying to learn about everyone and everything. I'm particularly interested in you though."

(y/n) gave him a surprised look. Wait, what did he just say?

Floch continued to speak as though what he said didn't fluster (y/n) in the slightest. "Well, let's just look at the brighter side of things. This was just one day. There are still soldiers looking through the rubble to find more of those armor potions and you've got a relatively long time to try and figure this out. Let's just cross our fingers that no more people like Kenny the Ripper are trying to kidnap or kill you at the moment."

"You're right. That's a miracle," (y/n) tried with a small smile, gaining a short laugh from Floch.

"Anyway, I'm also beat. I can't wait to get in a nap before dinner," he spoke as he opened one of the doors into the castle for her.

"Oh, shoot! That reminds me, I promised some people I would help out with cooking!" (y/n) realized, her spirits lifting slightly.

"Does that mean I get to try your cooking tonight?" Floch asked beaming at the thought.

"You just might."

"I can't wait. If you're down, I'll save you a seat at the table."

"That would be awesome."

They parted ways, and (y/n) felt a weight lift off her shoulders.

He seems pretty cool, she thought. Freaking hot AF too. 10/10, would bang... if I was single.

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