5: Truth or Dare (Armin x Reader)

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Time skip because why not. We arrived at HQ, and Eren and I are immediately put to to work by Levi. I should've realized being in a room alone with Eren meant trouble...

"I think I'm done cleaning," said (y/n).

Levi pulled down his mouth napkin. "I'll check your work. Finish up here."

(y/n) had her eyes glued to Levi as he walked away. Eren came downstairs and saw her checking out the Captain. He scoffed.

"So, what are your thoughts on Captain Levi?" Eren asked her suddenly.

"I really like him," she said. Eren looked at her with an obvious annoyed face. She blushed as she realized what she just said. "Not like that." I think...

"You know you can't have Reiner, Jean and Captain Levi," he teased.

"Shut up! How do you even-"

"Armin told me about your kiss with Jean."

"Ugh!" she yelled; her face red once again.

She turned around and started to broom the floor inefficiently.

"Was he your first kiss, then?" Eren asked, trying to remain calm.

(y/n) sighed. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"Nope. So, answer the question."

"Yes, he was my first actual kiss if I'm not counting the one you... gave me... that one time..."

Eren turned to (y/n), his green eyes boring into hers. "Was it good?"

"Uhm-, it... it was more of a... peck," she said truthfully. "I mean, we both thought we were going to die."

Eren took a step closer to her, never leaving eye contact.

"Eren... what..." (y/n) parted her lips automatically. No! Think of Mikasa! You can't get involved.

Throwing caution to the wind, Eren grabbed (y/n) by the waist and pushed her back towards the wall. (y/n), one hand holding a broom, the other automatically reaching up towards Eren's face. She bit her lip and moved her hand so that she could grab a fistful of Eren's hair between her fingers. Eren let out a moan. His lips were so close to her neck. (y/n) could feel his hardness pressed into her groin. Eren now pulled (y/n) higher onto the wall to gain a better position.

Eyes full of mischief, he dragged his lips across her neck and up towards her ear. He gave it a soft nibble and whispered, "That's your punishment for kissing all the guys at the pub." He slowly returned her to the ground and broke away. Just then, as though Eren had known, the next door opened and shut.

Fuck! thought (y/n), breathless. He got me so worked up.

Levi returned. Eren immediately returned to cleaning. (y/n)'s entire body trembled. She was grateful for the intrusion. She didn't know what she would have done. "(y/n), your cleaning is terrible. Eren, you forgot to clean inside the cupboards. Go back up and finish it properly."

"Yes, sir," and Eren left without a word.


For the next several weeks, Eren and I spent our days testing our titan abilities with Levi's squad and Section Commander Hange and our nights sleeping in the cellar. Calling it rough was an understatement. 

But each evening, Levi would still come down and tuck me up. He was especially considerate when it came to me, but I couldn't tell with his unchanging facial expressions. Maybe he liked me... I couldn't tell. I was starting to like him a lot more though, and that wasn't helping my case.

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