Chapter 24

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The light broke through the drapes around the house, letting in a small breeze. The light created an enchanted atmosphere in this house; it was as if it was dancing with laughter, creating a magical atmosphere that made everyone feel at ease. The house seemed to come alive with joy and warmth, inviting anyone who passed by to come in and join the festivities.

A little girl's laughter rang throughout the house, and her small footsteps ran around the house, followed by the sound of larger footsteps. The male figure growled at her, and she laughed as she ran away from him. "Hurry, hurry; the big bad wolf is going to get ya," her mother laughed.

This only made the little girl giggle more as she ran further, trying her hardest to escape her father, who was only inches away. Her laughter continued to echo and grow in the house, and her heart was filled with excitement and wonder. Valeria felt warm, and she wanted to stay in this moment.

"I got you," she laughed as her father picked her up from the ground, spinning her around as his chuckle bellowed from his chest.

"That's not fair, Daddy," she said with a smile. "But you know I'll always catch you, my little adventurer," he replied, smiling back. The little girl wrapped her arms around him tightly, feeling safe and loved in her father's arms.

"Ohhh, and I think it's fair, sweetheart," he said as he carried her to the kitchen. "I caught you fair and square," he added as he tickled her slightly, earning a small laugh from her.

They both entered the kitchen, where her mother had just about finished washing the dishes.

"Lizzy, our daughter thinks I don't play fair," the woman turned at the sound of the male's voice and smiled at the pair, "she thinks I cheated, isn't that right, Crow?"

The girl shook her head and said, "I didn't say Papa cheated Mama; I only said he wasn't fair. He's big, and my feet are so small," the parents laughed as the little one pointed to her tiny feet.

"Well, I'm sure he won't be able to catch you when you grow up," her mother smiled while pinching her small cheeks.

"Your memories are warm, Valeria," the scene seemed to zoom out of focus and pause as the outline of her body revealed itself from the darkness accompanied by the blue-eyed man.

She turned to him, and now that they both stood in the paused picture, in the kitchen, she could see him as clear as day. His skin was sickly pale as if the sun hadn't touched it in forever. His hair was black, and its length brushed against his shoulders. He was taller than her, but not enough that she'd have to crane her neck to look at him. He was lean and lanky. She also noticed that he seemed to fidget as if uncomfortable in his own skin.

"The image is breathtaking, and your family is beautiful," he expressed with awe in his voice as they both looked at the picture of her family before them.

"Was beautiful," she corrected him, remembering that this was the only memory she could recall of all of them smiling.

They continued looking at the picture for some time.

Valeria looked at her father; for some time she had forgotten what he looked like. Her mother had taken down everything and anything that reminded her of him, scared that it would just be a constant reminder of what she had lost. But she didn't—well, she couldn't pack away the biggest reminder of all.

Her daughter.

Before her father disappeared, her mother would always express how the two always looked like each other. The only feature that Valeria had of her mothers was her brown eyes; the rest was from her father. She had his small, timid nose, his big lips, and his small ears as well. She also had an oval face, and the colour of her hair was mostly his, but the texture was a combination of both her parents.

Her father was a strong man; he had muscles that could carry both her mother and her at the same time. His smile was wide and welcoming to all; his eyes were a deep green colour that Valeria always loved and admired. His hair was black and silky; it was always short, just above the brows. He always smelled like the grass after it rained, and he was a cuddler, a big, warm teddy bear.

In her dream, Valeria felt her face wet as a tear drop ran down her cheek; she quickly wiped it away.

Valeria looked at her mother, whose smile was stretched so wide that you couldn't see where it started or ended. Her brown eyes, eyes that had no red, looked at her father with such love. Her curly hair was untamed and everywhere, but it looked perfect as it brought out her beautiful melanin-circle face. A face with a button nose and small lips, one where cheeks were filled with freckles, she would never admit to having.

Valeria turned away from the image as she willed her heart not to ache and break.

"Who are you?" she asked the male.

They were back in Luc's room, but she could see her body snoozing in front of her, and the spot next to her was vacant. She could only guess she was having an out-of-body experience, which seemed to happen whenever the stranger entered her dreams.

"Where is he?" Valeria panicked, staring at the blue-eyed man for answers.

"I don't know, he went to the bathroom perhaps," the male shrugged as he continued to watch her body slumber.

Valeria felt a sense of relief knowing that the stranger was not physically present, but at the same time, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered in her mind. She wondered if she should try to control her dreams or seek help from someone who understood this phenomenon.

The bathroom door opened seconds later, and she watched as Luc walked back into the room. He rubbed his eyes and climbed into the sheets, pulling them over her sleeping body and falling back asleep.

"Do you know why he doesn't shun you?" the man asked.

She shook her head and looked at Luc going to sleep, her heart at ease that nothing had happened to him.

"I don't care to ask," she told him, a lie that she wanted to keep to herself.

The man hummed as if he knew very well she was lying but wouldn't push it.

"Who are you?" she asked him again.

He turned, his blue eyes meeting her brown ones, and said, "Who I am isn't important right now."

"Then what is?" Valeria asked, confusion written all over her face.

"Why your soul keeps calling out to mine?"


And the mysterious blue-eyed man returns, who do you think it is? let me know in the comments.

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