Chapter 2

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The walk to school today was relatively short compared to the long ones she usually has; well, that was on account of the morning conversations she has with Mr. Edgar.

Valeria's mind couldn't help but drift to the old man.

He lived alone, and last she checked (or knew about), he had a daughter who lived in another pack, but that was a day's ride from here. And he would have told her of any plans to visit Julia.

She clutched her bag's strap, and her fingers fiddled with it; she was lost in her thoughts, and by the time she had reached the school grounds, she was already bored. She looked at the small groups of wolves huddled next to each other in front of the school doors.

Valeria didn't have a click of her own, and due to her one friend not being around, she found the nearest tree, climbed to the nearest stable branch, and settled on it, watching over the shifters in her pack.

She watched them converse amongst each other about the frivolous aspects of life—well, pack life—and she knew that they were the same as her. Other than what the pack told them, they didn't know much about the world. She would often read the small books that Mr. Edgar would bring back with him on his trips outside.

It was not that their pack was controlled down to what they ate or anything like that; they weren't prohibited from leaving or learning more, but no one ever did, well, except for Mr. Edgar.

"Maybe that's why I like him better than these mindless drones,' she sighed to herself as she watched a black truck pull into the school parking lot, drawing everyone's attention and attracting a small crowd.

She watched as the male wolf got out of the car, and she could feel the power that radiated from him. She couldn't help the subtle roll of her eyes. He wanted attention; he craved it, and it sickened her.

Her wolf growled at her humans' emotions, feeling conflicted as the male they were watching was her superior, her future alpha, and her wild side would not encourage nor participate in a manner that ridiculed her alpha, but her human was another being.

Valeria never thought of herself as 'disrespectful' as her wolf would put it, but she also never care for Zachery Blake's opinion, whether or not he was soon to be alpha. She didn't like his pompous attitude; although she understood the hierarchy of packs and what an alpha was, she also knew that alphas are supposed to earn the respect of pack members, and yet she felt Zachery all but forced it.

'After all, I did attend Alpha 101 classes in primary,' she mumbled to her wolf.

She let her gaze wander around the parking lot, and her eyes landed on what the humans called the 'queen bee'. Again, she rolled her eyes and scoffed at society's positions in life.

Her eyes followed the brunette, and her mind drifted to the faint memory of her mother and herself discussing bullies and what they were. Her mother used to tell her that bullies were created because they went through trauma or are still experiencing some sort of pain and don't know how to deal with it. And they can only do so by inflicting it on others.

The explanation didn't help Valeria feel sorry for the bullies; it made her feel even angrier at them because she deemed them unfair.

'I still do,' she hummed.

But Valeria couldn't think of any possible reason why Serene Fisher could be a bully or what she could be going through behind closed doors because Serene Fisher had everything a she-wolf would want and dream of.

She had two loving parents, both highly respected in the pack, and she was seen as this good she-wolf that could do anything if she put her mind to it. Serene wasn't suffering in Valeria's eyes; she was viewed as a psychopath who enjoyed the pain of others, and that was the only reason she bullied Tommy Night.

Tommy Night was an omega who could do nothing but watch as Serene ran over his school bag multiple times and almost ran over him in the process when he tried to retrieve it. She would then laugh at his fallen face as if it were the funniest thing on earth.

Her mother's words irritated her even now, and she couldn't help the anger that flowed through her. A low growl left her lips. Her wolf sent calm ripples of emotions to settle her down, which worked wonders.

The bell rang, and she sighed before jumping off the tree and joining the crowd of students that rushed to their lockers or classes. As she bumped into other students, her mind drifted to Mr. Edgar, and she sent a slight prayer to the goddess for a quick return.


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