Chapter 15

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Fear. Being afraid.

It came naturally to everyone, it was an instinct, a primal natural factor somehow coded into every living being that existed. To feel this terror, this hopelessness, this empty depth of dome to something just being wrong.

And this emotion wasn't alone when it visited you. It came along with many other emotions, emotions that seemed to only fuel it, to give it more power.

And that's what Valeria had felt when she got the news but it didn't hit her at first, it didn't surprise her, no it knocked on the door.

She felt herself drowning.

She could feel the rise of the water above her toes, then it reached her knees, and then soon enough it got to her waist, her chest and next thing she knew she was trying so hard to stay above the water.

Her strength went to her legs, her lungs and her neck, just trying to keep her alive.

She could see nothing for kilometres, just oceans and oceans of black water and it didn't help that she was convinced that there was something in the water with her.

Her chest grew tighter and she held on, she breathed in but the more she grew frantic, the more the fear bubbled up and she could swear she was already drowning, but she wasn't.

She felt movement by her legs, she felt it brush against her skin and everything got eerily quiet, she watched as the waves around her calmed down and all she could hear was her ragging breathing and the splash of water she made trying to stay above the ocean.

It was only for a second that she thought everything was okay but the creature pulled her under the water.

Her lungs filled with water as she let out screams while trying desperately to get free but she could not. Her chest grew tighter and tighter, and with every gulp of water that entered her system and every millilitre of air that left her body, her eyes grew heavier and heavier.

And after a while, she felt cold and eventually the last thing she saw was the full moon looking down at her.


Her eyes shoot open and she clutched onto her chest with fear.

Her eyes swept around the room not once, not twice but three times before the reality of white walls finally settled in her mind.

Pack Clinic.

She still subconsciously held onto her chest as she leaned back in her bed and took everything in properly.

It was dark outside, so she guessed it was still the evening.

The moonlight streaming through the drapes brought small light to the room but she could see perfectly fine thanks to her other half.

She called on her other half but received no response from her.

She looked around the room again but this time she paused at the figure in the corner. She had no idea why she hadn't noticed the male before but everything stood out to him right now. She could see that he had fallen asleep on the chair and she could tell that the manner he had slept was uncomfortable, she was urged to wake him up and ask him to share the bed with her but she knew he would decline.

"You're awake," her head turns away from the figure to the man standing at the entrance of the room.

Dr Magyar smiled at her, he switched on the light in the room as he walked in holding a clipboard. He was a short bulky man, with brown skin and hazel eyes that made all the nurses in the clinic blush. She remembers how her mother would tell her how they would drool at his sight.

"How are you feeling, Valeria?" he asked her while checking her vitals.

"I'm okay, I could use a cup of water though," he chuckled before giving her a cup of water.

"Thanks," she drank the liquid before placing it on the table beside the bed.

"What happened?" she asked him with a small smile.

"What do you remember?"

She looked back at the male figure still sleeping on the chair. She could see him now, his red mop longer than she had thought that it was draped over his face, covering most of his features.

"I...I remember I was at school. I went outside to catch some air but I smelt rogues. I remember running back to the cafeteria and the rogues demanding supplies, oh gosh they used Nicco, is he okay?" she asked frantically.

The doctor nods, "yes he is perfectly fine, going to make a full recovery,"

she gave him a nod and said, " a fight broke out after that, I was fighting this one rogue and I must have been hit from the back," she felt around her head for any bumps.

"Yeah, that seems about accurate. Beta Luc says you were knocked out and there are signs of strangulation but you should be healing soon. We did take tests when you came in as well, your mother said you might have a stomach bug as you've been vomiting really bad. So those should be out real soon, I'll be back to check in with you later when the results come back," he told her.

She thanked him and he left the room, switching the light off on his way out.

"What's going on with your wolf?" her breath hitched at his voice.

His eyes met hers, "well?"

"I...I don't know, she's been acting like this for a few days ever since the bonfire to be specific. She came out of her cave once but went back to not communicating with me,"

He looked at her for a moment before breathing in again, "your scent hasn't changed, well besides the..."

"what? The what?"

"Well like I said it hasn't changed but there's something else, like.." his sentence is cut off by the light switching back on and Dr Magyar walking back in.

"Valeria you're test is in and you're...." the old male stops walking, his sentence cut as he read what's on the paper. His eyes lift from the paper to hers, "I wasn't aware you were mated, Valeria,"

She laughs lightly, "No, I'm not mated, Dr Magyar,"

The man's eyes seem to grow as he closes the gap between himself and the bed, and from the corner of her eyes, she could see that Beta Luc had done the same.

"What's wrong? What are my test results,"

Dr Magyar looks at her, then at the other male in the room. She looks between, her patience starting to run thin and her palms getting sweaty. His eyes glazed and she knew that he was telling Beta Luc because a minute later, his eyes turned to her.

There were too many, too many emotions running through his eyes but the one that she caught was fear and that made her heart jump.

"W-What's wrong?"

Dr Magyar looked into her eyes and she had never thought she would see that emotion again from him. She had seen once in his eyes, the night he lost his child, he looked broken, sad and helpless.

Right now he looked helpless.

He sighed taking her hand, " Valeria you're carrying and without a mate, you know what happens......"

His voice faded out in her mind because all she could think of, all she picked up was that she was pregnant. 


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