Chapter 14

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Everyone felt the danger in the air, the once-calm atmosphere was broken as they awaited what stood outside the cafeteria doors. She remembered the hazed look Zachery had a minute ago and assumed he was linking his father and the pack of intruders on the Claw lands.

Growls echoed throughout the cafeteria and Valeria could hear the hierarchy of the pack fill her senses as she stood behind the Elite children waiting for orders.

The stench of a corpse filled the air and they all growled waiting for these lost souls. The first window shattered and then more followed, the sound echoing in the room as the rogues flew through the open spaces. The sound of crunching glass below their paws filled her ears but she wasn't as much focused on all of them as she was on the wolf in the middle.

He smelt different from the rest, his still reeked of a corpse but his seemed lighter as if he had just turned.

Bones cracking was all that could be heard in the room, as the pack watched the wolf shift before them.

His body was lean, littered with scars and his hair was matted to his face. She met his eyes again and he all but smirked at her causing most of the males in her surroundings to growl at him.

"Calm down please," he said with his hands in the air, "we are not savages."

The man's voice was soft but also rough around the edges, it seemed familiar to her but she shook it off knowing she had never met this man before in her life.

"Says the rogue," snarled Zachery.

The man all about rolled his eyes before turning to face his fellow rogues, "Alphas," they grunted as though in agreement with him.

"Look we don't want any trouble, we're just merely passing by,"

"You didn't have to pass right through our territory, you could have gone around," Zachery growled.

The man nodded, "well yes, I suppose we could have done that but you see we're hungry and I thought why not ask for the simple sake of hospitality," he smile, this time looking to his followers.

"You see my lads are tired and if you could just give us some of your supplies we'll be out of your hair before you can even say goddess," he chuckled

"We don't negotiate with rogues or aid them in any sort of way," Michael, Gamma Elite said, "You are not welcome here, leave before things get messy,"

The man sighed and Valeria could have sworn his eyes glazed for a second linking someone but she could have been wrong, "You see I thought you'd say that. You packs are always so pretentious. Well I picked up a little something before coming here," Valeria's attention shifted from the male to the sound of shuffling and grunts, "A little birdy told me this belongs to you young Alpha. I don't think you'd want your precious mate more injured than he already is, I mean the boy is practically dying from the rejections you keep firing at him. But honestly we didn't touch him, all that damage is you."

Valeria could hear the smirk on his face as her eyes drank up the battered Nicco on the floor.

She could feel Zachery's rage through the pack link and one could feel how much the young alpha cared for his mate but she just wished it wasn't revealed under such circumstances.

Zachery growled in fit of rage and they followed behind. He pounced at the male and the rest followed suit.

She was fighting with one of the rogues when she didn't feel the man sneak up behind her. His hands clutched her neck and he slowly applied pressure, just enough to make her pass out.

With her eyes faded and her eyes met his once more as he placed her down gently and the last thing she heard was his voice in her ear, "night little one."


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Who do you think this guy is? Could he be the male she met in the woods on that fateful night?

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