Before the beginning

121 16 95

*Edited, 16.08.23*



"My children, my children, they're the only ones I've got left," the man's desperate voice reverberated in the realm of her dreams.

Surrounded by the shadowy landscape of her subconscious, the man's plea echoed through the unseen depths, his anguish palpable. Beside him stood the imposing figure of the Alpha, a symbol of authority in the dream's enigmatic surroundings.

"We need to wait for my children; they're still out there, please," the man implored, his voice tinged with desperation as he beseeched the Alpha for mercy.

In response, the Alpha's expression was a mixture of understanding and grim resolve. "Your children have been gone for a week, and we have waited, but I cannot continue to put the pack at any harm; we need to leave," the Alpha's words were firm, yet laced with a touch of sympathy.

"Samuel, Samantha, they're all I have left; you have to understand," the man's voice trembled with a combination of sorrow and desperation, his gaze fixed on the Alpha who met his eyes with a heavy heart. The backdrop of the dream shifted subtly, evoking a sense of longing and loss that permeated the atmosphere.

The Alpha's reply was measured, filled with a blend of empathy and practicality. "And as I said, I understand; but you also have to understand that we cannot continue waiting. What if the enemy returns and takes the rest as they did before? And what if this time no one comes back?" The world around them seemed to thicken with tension, the surroundings suffused with a haze of uncertainty that mirrored the weight of the man's internal struggle.

"It was a regular night, like all the other nights. We had dinner and went to bed, but they never made it to breakfast. They weren't in their beds when I went to check on them. What kind of father does that make me? I didn't hear my own kids get taken from me," the man's voice trembled, the words weighted with regret and self-blame. The ethereal atmosphere seemed to twist and shift, reflecting the man's inner turmoil as he grappled with his own perceived failures.

The following silence was heavy, thick with the weight of their shared grief and the impending decision that hung in the air. The Alpha's gaze, marked by sorrow, remained fixed on his friend and fellow pack member, his heart aching for the anguish etched across the man's features. He let out a resigned sigh, his voice carrying a blend of empathy and resignation, "Fine, we will wait until sunrise tomorrow, but William, if they are not back, we must leave."

In a gesture of camaraderie and support, the Alpha placed his hand on William's shoulder, his touch a small reassurance amidst the sea of uncertainty. The momentary squeeze held unspoken promises of solidarity and understanding before the Alpha turned away, his footsteps carrying him towards the rest of the pack. A vivid tableau of a dimly lit camp, figures huddled close together for warmth, their expressions a mix of trepidation and resignation.

With the arrival of nightfall, a blanket of darkness draped over the landscape, amplifying the somber atmosphere that permeated the camp. Figures clustered together, seeking solace and companionship in the face of the impending departure. The scene was painted with poignant details—the soft glow of flickering fires, the hushed conversations that echoed like murmurs in the night, and the shared camaraderie that bound the pack members in their collective plight. As they waited for the sun's eventual ascent, a sense of unity and resilience pulsed through the air, a quiet testament to the strength that had always defined them.

Amidst the muted backdrop of camaraderie, one figure stood apart from the rest, his gaze resolute and his heart set on a singular purpose. His determination radiated like a beacon, casting shadows that danced along the edges of the dream's landscape. Clutching a bag on his shoulder, he embarked on a solitary journey, his steps propelled by a fierce resolve that defied the darkness surrounding him.

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