~Chapter 48~

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One week later:

The first week of college has been great. I have met so many amazing friends and all of my classes are so interesting and fun. 

I am taking a bunch of classes to figure out what I really want to do with my life. 

My first period is a literature and writing class. 

My second period is a marine biology class. 

My third period is a forensic physiology class and the rest of my classes are just a bunch of random classes that I have to take. 

Devin and I finished setting up the rest of our dorm the next day after taking Jessie to the airport. 

We needed an extra day to recover from that. Saying goodbye to Jessie was hard but I am happy for her and I am happy she is with her dad. 

The dorm looks so nice now. It has a bunch of cute decorations and it's so organized. 

It's exactly the way Devin and I wanted it ever since we were talking about moving in with each other when we were little girls. 

It was perfect! 

Having only a few classes was so nice, it gave me more time to do the things that I love. 

I have more time to focus on my art and writing which is one of the things that makes me happiest. 

My last class was finally over and I started packing up my things so I could leave campus for the day.   

I walked out of the class and started walking back to my dorm. 

As I approached my dorm, I saw a tall figure standing at the door. At first, I didn't know who it was but then I realized who it was. 


The tall figure turned around and as soon as we made eye contact I started running toward him. 

He opened his arms for me before I jumped in his arms. 

"Ugh, I missed you so much," Vinnie said as he kissed the side of my face. 

"I missed you too Vin." He set me down as I unlocked my dorm door so that we could go inside. 

When we walked in, I set my stuff down and hugged Vinnie again. I missed him so much. 

"I have a surprise," Vinnie said as I continued to hug him. 

"I feel like you have a surprise for me every time you come to visit." I let go of Vinnie and looked up at him. 

"I do but this is the biggest one ever." He said coming closer to me. 

"Oh really?" I said walking closer to him. 

He leaned down towards my ear and pulled me closer to him. 

"Trust me, you will love it." He whispered in my ear. 

"Okay let me go freshen up and then we can leave." I pecked his lips before walking into my bedroom. 

I was already wearing black jeans so I decided to put on a white crop top instead of the hoodie I was wearing. 

I walked into my bathroom and took my hair out of the bun it was in and put some product in it so I could leave it down. 

Then I added a few makeup touch-ups before putting on some black boots. 

I walked out and Vinnie was sitting on one of our kitchen countertops waiting for me. 

"I'm ready." He jumped off the counter and started walking towards it. He lifted me in the air and twirled me around before putting me back on the ground. 

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