~Chapter 5~

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Shaylynn's pov: Sunday night

I decided to dedicate tonight to working on mostly homework and resting. I also started looking at jobs that I could apply to. I felt like I was home too much and if I had a job I would have an excuse to get out of the house.

I look at a few places that were close to home. My options were pet smart, Publix, or Starbucks. I didn't want to smell like animals all the time nor did I want to deal with people for hours straight.

After an hour or so of thinking about it, I closed my computer. It suddenly hit me like a wave. I felt like I couldn't continue living the way I was.

My mom used the child support my dad gives her to pay house bills but I have to cook for myself and her, I had to clean the whole house every day, and I had to worry about getting a job to pay for college.

I had a few months to decide what college I was going to and where I was going to get the money for college. I was overwhelmed.

Suddenly I started breaking down. In my mind, it felt like I was breaking down over the littlest things but I felt so tired. Mentally and physically.

I knew that if I continued crying the way I was then I would never be able to stop. So I got up and walked over to my dresser.

I opened the door and grab my lighter. I had lighters all over my room because they came in handy often.

I walked over to the next to the closet and slide down it. I then unzipped my jeans and lit the lighter.

I looked down to see it was from an unknown number.

V: Hey beautiful

S: Hi Vinnie

V: How did you know?

S: beautiful?

V: You definitely are beautiful.

I stopped crying, butterflies filled my stomach, I couldn't describe how quickly my emotions changed after a few text messages from a specific person.

V: What are you doing right now? 

S: Nothing much why? 

V: Cause I'm going to facetime you. 

I started freaking out for absolutely no reason. It was like there was a switch inside that started that flipped my craziness on as soon as he asked to facetime.

I completely took off my jeans and put on my hoodie over my sports bra and underwear. Then I wiped off the black mascara under my eyes.

Less than 30 seconds later my phone was ringing.

"Hello, beautiful" I couldn't tell if his calling me beautiful all the time was a flirting thing or just something he said regularly. He wasn't wearing a shirt and he was laying on his back on top of his bed.

"Hey" My voice sounded tired and anxious.

"You okay?" When anyone else asked me this, it annoyed me because I hated that question but when he asked me it warmed my heart.

"Yeah fine, just tired"

"You don't have to talk to me if you want to go to sleep"

"It's fine, a few fewer hours won't kill me"

"I'll still be here tomorrow I promise"

I laughed and turned on Netflix. I went to my favorite show. Vampire diaries of course.

I set my phone on the charger and propped it up against the lamp that was on my dresser. In less than 5 minutes I was asleep. I forgot to end the call before I fell asleep.

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