~Chapter 38~

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Shaylynn's POV:
I got home from Devin's and Vinnie still wasn't home.

Last night he didn't answer my text. I didn't think anything of it cause I knew he was probably asleep since he had gone out.

I unpacked all my stuff. Gently putting everything away.

Once I was done, I grabbed Venice out of her little kitty bed and took her into the living room with me.

I sat on the couch and snuggled with her while I waited for Vinnie to come home.

It was very late in the afternoon before he finally walked into the door.

He walked in and placed his keys down, slowly shutting the door.

"Hey." He said before walking into our bedroom.

I got up from my spot on the couch and went to our bedroom where Vinnie was unpacking all his stuff from Jett's house.

"Where have you been?" I stood leaning against the door frames.

"Nowhere, don't worry about it." He walked up to me and kissed my forehead.

He released and looked down at me. I looked up at him and made direct eye contact with him.

"Why didn't you answer my text?"

"I'm sorry, I- uh got home really late." He was lying. I knew he was.

I walked away and into the kitchen. Maybe something happened between him and Jett so I was going to give him space.

I decided to make some baked ziti for the both of us.

I put my AirPods in and started cooking.

I boiled the pasta and then started making layers of ziti. Putting a layer of cheese and then a layer of pasta.

Once I finished all the layers, I put the pasta in the oven.

I started to do the dishes when I felt Vinnie's presence.

He put a dish in the sink and then just walked away like I wasn't even there.

Usually, he would wrap his arms around me and kiss me but he didn't. It was so off with him. He was never like this.

I shrugged it off again. Maybe he was upset, he'll tell me when he is ready.

I took the baked ziti out of the oven and plated some for both of us.

I took the bowls and walked into our bedroom. When I walked in, Vinnie was just sitting on our bed, on his phone.

I set the bowl on his nightstand and walked over to my side of the bed. I sat down and started eating quietly.

"How was Jett's?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Good." He quietly said before taking another bite.

"How was the party?"

"It was fine." He quietly said again.

My heart was slowly breaking. He wasn't telling me something. Our whole relationship, the whole time I've known him he was never like this.

I put my bowl of food on my nightstand before turning to my side, facing away from him.

I put my head in my hands before starting to cry. I didn't know what to do.

"What's wrong baby?" I felt Vinnie's hand on my shoulder.

"Vinnie, what's going on with you?" I turned and looked over at him.

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