~Chapter 42~

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After 10 minutes of my mom pounding and screaming at the door, finally she stopped.

My head stayed between my knees as I tried to calm myself down.

The police should be here any minute and I will be fine.

I took deep breaths over and over again until my breathing was steady.

After a few minutes, there was more pounding at the door.

I started crying again before I heard Vinnie's voice.

"Shay it's me opening the door." I reached up to the lock on the door and unlocked the door before sitting back down against the wall.

Vinnie walked in and rushed down next to me.

As soon as he was close enough, I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You're okay now. She's outside with the police." He started rubbing my head gently as I lay in his arms. 

He looked at me and saw all of the cuts on my face.

"I'm going to kill her if they don't put her in jail." He kissed my forehead before picking me up as gently as possible.

"Ow!" My ribs were aching so badly.

"I'm sorry baby." He said as he carried me outside. One officer rushed over to me while another one stayed with my mom.

"We're calling an ambulance, sit tight. We'll come and talk to you after you get taken care of." The police said walking away.

Vinnie and I sat on the grass while we waited for the ambulance to come.

I was barely talking. The whole situation had me shaken up. Vinnie was okay with the silence. He sat with me and held me.

When the ambulance arrived, Vinnie carried me over to it and sat me down where they wanted me.

They cleaned up the cuts on my face and looked at my ribs. They determined it would be best if I went to the hospital for an x-ray.

"Would you like us to take you or will you have someone else be able to take you?"

"I'll take her," Vinnie said.

"Okay perfect." The ambulance wrapped up what they were doing and left. I sat back down on the grass with Vinnie where I was before. 

Finally, the police came over to talk to me.

"Hi..." He wanted my name I was guessing by the long pause. 

"Shaylynn," I said quietly.

"Okay. Hello Shaylynn. Can you tell us what happened?" I sat and told them the whole story.

"Based on what you're telling us. She assaulted you. Not only as a minor but as a human." One officer started saying.

"So most likely she will go to jail and stay there. Do you have another parent you can call?" Another officer asked.

"No. My dad left a long time ago." I answered them.

"How old are you?" They questioned.

"I am 17. Turning 18 in two weeks."

"Okay, do you have anyone you can stay with until you can be on your own?" I could stay with Devin or Jessica if I really needed to.

I couldn't just assume I could stay with Vinnie cause I don't know how he feels about me staying with him. 

"Yeah, I do."

"Okay stay with them and we will keep you updated on your mom's situation." The first officer said.

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