~Chapter 20~

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Shaylynn's pov:

I woke up before Vinnie. We decided to sleep in a little since we were both up pretty late last night and we weren't going to school today. I got out of bed and started to get ready for the day.

I don't know how but Vinnie stayed asleep the entire time I was getting ready. I am super loud while I get ready. 

Once I was done  getting ready, I made pancakes. Once I was done it was almost 11 so I decided to wake Vinnie up myself. Did this make me a bad girlfriend? I don't know but I'm going to do it anyways.

I walk into his bedroom and he was sleeping flat on his back. So I laid on top of him. I wrapped my arms around his torso. He started waking up. He put one hand on my back and the other behind his head.

"Morning Lover," I said with my head on his chest.

"Mmmm Morning" I felt the vibration of his voice inside his chest. He moved his hand down to my hips. Suddenly he gripped on and flipped me over so now he was on top of me. I broke out in a quiet laugh.

His hand moved to my upper thigh. He pressed his lips against mine.

"We have a busy day. I made pancakes" His face was still very close to mine.

"mmm," I swear the things I would do to hear him make that noise over and over again. He let go of my thigh and flipped back over so now we were laying side by side. We both got up at the same time and headed to the kitchen.

Vinnie poured coffee and went and sat at the table. We both sat and ate. Once we were done I cleaned up while Vinnie showered and got ready.  I started cleaning the kitchen from breakfast as I waited for him.

It was around 12 when Vinnie was finally ready. For a man, it takes forever to get ready. He came out with blue jeans on, a Calvin Klein black tee, and his white Air Forces.

He had a black beanie on top of his insanely curly hair. He was wearing this thick silver chain with another necklace that had a cross on it laying on top of it.

His style was something I loved so much about him. He didn't care what anyone else thought about his fashion sense, he just wore whatever he wanted.

"Ready love?" He was standing at the counter looking at me as I finished cleaning up the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I grabbed my keys and my phone. Vinnie opened my door for me like he always does. We decided to take his car today. I loved his car. It suited him so well.

I gave him the directions to Devin's house. Devin's mom worked so Devin barely saw her mom. Her Dad on the other hand was like her best friend. He always knows when there is something going on with her.

When we got to Devin's house we both walked up to the door and knocked. Devin's dad came to the door.

"Shaylynn it is great to see you! How have you been?" Devin's dad was always one of my favorite people. Especially since my dad was never around, it was always nice to have Devin's dad around.

"I am great Mr. Snow." Devin's dad looked at Vinnie who was standing behind me.

"Mr. Snow this is Vinnie, my boyfriend."

"Oh wow, it's great to meet you" Mr. Snow held out his hand for Vinnie to shake. Vinnie had a smile on his face as he reached out and grabbed Mr. Snow's hand.

"It's good to meet you sir" After they were done shaking each other's hands, I grabbed Vinnie's hand as Mr. Snow led us into their living room. Vinnie and I sat on one couch and Vinnie sat on the other one across from us. Vinnie's hand found its place on my thigh.

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