~Chapter 18~

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Shaylynn's pov:

I grabbed frozen fruit out of the freezer and stuck some into the blender. I added some orange juice and some green nutrient powder. I started up the blender and watched all the fruit break down into liquid form.

I watched the blender and suddenly felt and pair of hands on my waist. I turned around quickly. Vinnie grabbed me and pulled me in.

"You're all sweaty that's gross" He buried his sweaty head into my neck and wrapped me in a bear hug. Vinnie left for the gym while I was still sleeping so I had already gotten ready for school while he was gone.


"Okay okay, I will go shower" He started to walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. I grabbed the side of his face and kissed him. Ever since that first kiss, his kisses were addicting. I craved them.

"I changed my mind" I kissed him again.

"Okay you can go shower now" He left to go shower and I finished making the smoothies. Once I was done drinking it, I cleaned up and grabbed my stuff. I walked into the bathroom where Vinnie was taking a shower.

"Vin I have a lot to do after school so I'm taking my car. I will be back as soon as I can. I love you."

"No, no wait. Hand me a towel" I grabbed a towel and handed it to him. He came out of the shower with half of his body in a towel and the rest of his body soaking wet.

His perfectly sculpted body was soaked. The towel is low on his v-line. Showing his tattoos perfectly.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. "I love you too". I started walking out of the bathroom. "Text me while you're gone".

"Okay, I will" I grabbed my bag off the counter, along with my keys. I walked out of my car. I started driving to school. Once I got there I parked in an open spot. My goal was to catch Devin before lunch so I could talk to her.

I got out and started walking. Jessie came up next to me and started talking.

"Do I look okay? This is a new shirt and I feel like it doesn't look good" The shirt fit Jessie perfectly. She was a gorgeous girl. No doubt in my mind about that.

"Jessica you're beautiful" Once we approached my locker I saw Devin at hers.

"I will catch you at lunch okay Jess?"

"Yeah sure," Jessica smiled and started walking towards her first class. I grabbed my stuff and walked towards Devin.

"Hey, Dev" Shockingly she was by herself. No Brad.

"Hey" She was quiet.

"How have you been?" She shut her locker and replied with an "I'm fine". I knew that was a lie. Everyone who doesn't want you to know how they really say that. I grabbed her arm to let her know I wasn't done talking to her.

"Ow!" Devin almost screamed. I looked at her arm where I touched her and it was obvious why she said that. She had a huge black and blue bruise on her arm. I started noticing small bruises and cuts on both of her arms.

"Devin, what happened?"

"Shaylynn it's nothing I'm fine"

I let her go. I was in shock. I knew what it was. It was Brad. Toward the end of our relationship, he did the same thing to me. He would grab me and push me. He did way worse when he was drinking.

I knew what I needed to do. I needed to go to Devin's dad. Devin was closest to her dad. Devin loved her dad more than anyone. He could figure out what was really going on and he would help me. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text.

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