~Chapter 6~

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Shaylynn's pov:

After lunch, I went to my last class and met Devin in her car in the parking lot.

"What the hell happened in there?" She yelled at me.

"I don't really know"

"Oh, bullshit" I didn't understand why Devin was mad. It wasn't her mess to deal with. She didn't even like Brad.

"Are you seriously mad? You hate Brad" Now I'm yelling back at Devin.

"I'm mad because you are still fooling around, instead of getting with Vincent"

"I-" I started to talk but I was caught off by a raging Devin.

"No Shaylynn! He is a fool for you and you just sit there and play along with it. Throw Brad away and figure things out with Vinnie"

"Okay first of all calm down. I'm done with Brad. I just don't think that's what I need right now." If I ended things with Brad why would I jump into something new so quick?

"I know, I'm sorry. I just don't like seeing you in that kind of trouble" She stepped closer to hug me.

"I don't want you in boy drama Shay"

"I know Dev" We both sighed together and walked towards the car.

We go in Dev's car and she drove me home.

Of course stop at Starbucks first.


I decided to spend the night studying. I had a lot of work to check up on.  I was reading the next chapter of Romeo and Juliet for my English class. I loved laying on my stomach with my headphones in to read. I was listening to the new 5 seconds of summer album when I heard a loud knock on my window.

I turned around quickly. It startled me. I stared at the window in curiosity and it was just Vinnie at the window. I walked over to the window and opened it so he could come in.

" What the hell Vincent! You scared the shit out of me". I opened the window and let him in. He climbed through the window.  He was wearing gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt. His hair was curly as usual.

After letting him in, I sat back down on my bed getting back to my homework.

"Im sorry," He said in a soft voice. He was sitting at the edge of my bed carefully studying my every movement.  He sounded genuinely sorry but I didn't care because I was just pissed. I felt kinda bad after getting upset with him.

I shrugged his apology off trying to focus on a summary to write for Romeo and Julie. I am typing on my computer when he leans over and shuts it.

"Hey what the" He stopped my talking mid-sentence.

"Relax, I want to take you somewhere" He had a huge smirk on his face.

"It's 10 o'clock"

"Okay and" His head was tilted to the side with a wide grin on his face.

"Fine" I got up and waited for him to get up.

He stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I followed him out of my window. We had to climb to the first layer of my roof which was closer to the ground. We climbed on the second layer that I then can jump on the AC unit.  He grabbed me by my waist to help me off the roof and onto the AC unit.  We walked down the road a few miles until we got to an empty grass field.

"Where are we going?" He put his hands on both of my eyes and whispered in my ear.

"Trust me. I think you will like it."

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