~Chapter 13~

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Shaylynn's pov:

We approach Vinnie's apartment. He parks in his spot where he usually parks and gets out and comes over to my side.

He opens the door and grabs my hand. He waits for me to get out before shutting the door and going to the back and opening the trunk.

I reach in and grab my box of stuff from my house.

I try carrying it but he won't let me. He hands me his keys and takes the boxes out of my hands. We approach his door, I unlock it and open it for him.

I set his keys down and walk over to the big window in his living room and I look out.

His apartment has a really nice view. I could sit there and look out of it forever.

I feel a set of hands wrap around my waist. I turn around and hug him tightly. He smells so good and he is so warm.

"You okay?" He whispers into my neck.

"Yeah, I think so" He grabs my chin and looks at me. He leans in and softly presses his lips into mine. He stays there before I wrap my arms around his neck.

I hug him tightly and don't let go for a few minutes. I didn't realize how hard it was to leave my house but I also was overwhelmed. So much changed so quickly.

"Let's go" He grabbed my hand and led me to his bedroom. When we got in he turned on the tv and put on a movie.

I sat on his bed and watched him pick a movie and put on different clothes. He left the room for a few minutes.

He came back a few minutes later with two cups of water, he put one on my side of the bed and the other on his side.

He came over to me with a makeup wipe and gently rubbed it across my face. Once he was done he pecked my nose.

He threw the wipe away before I started taking off my tank top leaving me in only a sports bra and biker shorts.

He threw one of his t-shirts on top of me. I smirked and put it on.

When I was done he tucked me into bed. He shut off the lights. Vinnie grabbed his water from outside and started walking towards the door to his room.

"Where are you going?"I got up and walked over to him.

"I was going to sleep on the couch-"

"You don't have to. I mean it. I honestly want you to stay"

He smirked at me and I started leading him toward his bed. I laid down and he went over to his side and climbed in on his side. He pulled me closer to him and I laid my head on his chest.

"I still don't understand why Elena didn't go back to Stefan." I laughed. Who knew he was actually paying attention to the show?

"Because she realized that she was in love with Damon more. She realized Damon was the type of love she had been looking for the entire time."

He started playing with my hair and shortly after that, I fell asleep.


I woke up and looked around, Vinnie was gone. I looked at my phone and scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes. I went to my text messages and texted Devin real quick, checking in with her.

She usually responds way faster but not this time. I didn't think much of it, maybe she was just busy.

After scrolling through my phone for a few more minutes I got up out of bed. I headed out of Vinnie's room and I found Vinnie in the kitchen making a smoothie.

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