~Chapter 2~

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Shaylynn's pov:

I walked into school and just headed straight for my locker. I didn't feel like speaking to Brad so I decided to keep to myself like I always do.

Whenever I get mad or frustrated at Brad I just ignore him until I'm not.

I grabbed my stuff for Biology and headed straight there. The day after that went by pretty fast.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted and like always I just wanted to get home.

I got in Dev's car and she was so cheerful but I could tell she was tired as well. Devin is always tired. The best thing about Devin is we take naps together.

"Dev we need coffee" I whined at her.

"Agreed let's go"

She pulled out of the school parking lot before driving to our local Starbucks.

We came to Starbucks a lot to study and just have some much-needed girl's time.

When we walked in I got mine and Dev's usual drinks  (mine: grande white mocha expresso with vanilla sweet cream cold foam. Devins: cold brew with dark chocolate almond milk foam) then I brought the drinks to our table.

Then I pulled out my laptop and got to work on a reading project that was due by Monday.

I had to write a summary of what I thought about the cover of Romeo and Juliet. I hated writing romance novels.

I love reading them but I hated writing about how I feel about them.

At 4 pm Dev and I decided to pack up and go home since I had a party I had to get to.

Brad said he was coming to get me at 8 so I had to be ready by at least 7:45 and I knew I was going to want time to take a bath or watch some Netflix so I knew I needed to get home soon.

I needed time to mentally prepare myself because I had never been to a party before and I was really nervous.

When we pulled up to my driveway I said my goodbyes to Dev then got out of her car and walked to the front door.

I got in the house and it was completely dead meaning my mom was sleeping.

I hoped she would stay that way until after I left for the party. If not then that was going to be so much fun to deal with.

I walked up to my room, put down my stuff, and slammed onto my bed. I was exhausted by the end of the day so I turned on Netflix and decided to rewatch my favorite show of all time.

Vampire diaries. Vampire diaries were my escape, it helped me to picture myself in a world where I was surrounded by light and good.

Basically the opposite of what I'm dealing with right now at home.

But most of all it taught me how to love someone unconditionally.

I looked at the clock and realized it was 6 so I started getting ready. I walked up to my closet remembering what Brad said.

So I grabbed a short black dress from the back of my closet. Then I grabbed my black heels to go with my black dress.

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower making sure not to wash my hair. I didn't want to stink so I just wanted to wash my body real quick.

I decided I was going to curl my hair because for once in my life I had time to actually make my hair look decent.

Well, I always had time but I was just too lazy to actually do my hair. I did my makeup lightly trying to make it look as natural as possible.

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