~Chapter 14~

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Vinnie's pov: (earlier in that day)

"Look Jett I need you to just do what I'm telling you to" Jett continues arguing with me about how he doesn't want to go to the beach tonight and how it's my job to ask a girl to be my girlfriend.

"Asshole I swear to god if you aren't there tonight with all the shit I need, I will kick your ass" I came off harsh but I don't really care. He is my best friend I'm allowed to talk to him like that.

Suddenly I saw her coming from the other side of the store with her cart.

"I have to go. It better be done Jett" She came up near me.

"Ready?" I nodded at her question and took the cart from her so I could push it. We got to the register and she started scanning all the things that were inside the cart.

After she was done scanning everything she started pulling out her wallet but I pushed it away and pulled out mine.

Then she started arguing with me about how I should let her pay. She got in front of me while I was trying to pay so I just walked into her.

She stood in shock and her face had me dying of laughter. After I finished paying I grabbed her hand and pushed the cart out of the store in the direction of my car.

Once we got home I handed her my keys and grabbed all the groceries so I could take them upstairs.

For some reason, I liked the feeling I got when I gave her my keys. I knew I could trust her even with the little things such as my keys.

We got in and set the groceries down. I lifted her onto the counter and unloaded the groceries.

She was talking to me about how I didn't let her pay and how I wouldn't even let her help me put the groceries away either.

I loved hearing her voice but this conversation made me laugh for sure.

"Why are you laughing at me?" She looked at me about to start laughing too. I walked over and pecked her nose.

"I'm sorry you're just really cute" I put both of my hands on both sides of her, resting them on the counter.

"I'm going to go get ready for the beach" I nodded letting her jump off the counter and heading to my room.

As soon as the coast was clear I pulled out my phone.

Me: Jett, did you get it?

Jett: Yeah man I got all the stuff headed there now.

Me: Thanks, we are leaving the house in a few minutes.

I put my phone back in my pocket and waited for her. After 10 minutes of waiting she came out. She was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.

She looked so beautiful as always. Her brown hair and brown eyes always caught my attention first.

"Ready?" She grabbed my hand and as I nodded she led me out of the door. We got in the car and started driving to Malibu with my hand still in hers.


Shaylynns pov: 

The drive to Malibu was always so nice. Tonight it was just as nice. On the drive there I watched the sunset. The beautiful colors in the sky.

We parked in a parking lot that had a boardwalk that led down to the beach.

This place reminded me of the time we first hung out. When he took me to Venice beach. It was beautiful there too.

Once we parked, Vinnie came around to my side as always and opened my door for me. He grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs.

Suddenly he was behind me with his hands over my eyes.

"What are you doing Vin?"

"Do you trust me?" No, I just stay in your house hoping you're a serial killer who is planning to kill me.


He guided me for a few more steps and then he lifted me over something. He let go and stepped away from me.

"Open Shay"

I opened my eyes and I was standing in the middle of a circle made out of rose petals and lit candles. It was so pretty.

I started tearing up at just how pretty it was. Then I noticed the message carved into the sand right by my feet.


I looked at Vinnie and started tearing up a little. I ran out of the circle and jumped in his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

I sunk my head in my neck and sat there just like that for a few minutes.

"Please tell me this means yes"

I brought my neck up and looked at him. He set me down on the floor waiting for my response.

"Yeah, it is" He lifted my chin and kissed me. Then he went to my ear and whispered.

"You're all mine now" I laughed and nodded in agreement. I took out my phone so I could take a picture of the circle.

Vinnie lay on the sand and patted the spot next to him so I could sit next to him.

I lay next to him leaning my head against his chest. We stayed like that for almost an hour talking about random things.

I checked my phone and realized it was around 8. So I got up, making sure to dust my butt off then Vinnie got up and followed me up the boardwalk.

Once we got on the boardwalk I went behind Vinnie just so I could jump on his back.

Once I did he wrapped his arms around my legs and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I haven't had a piggyback ride since before my dad left"

"Well, that's going to change" I laughed and stayed on his back till we got to the car. He set me down and opened my door for me so I could get in.

He handed me his jacket so I could cover up in the car. He got in on his side and then put his hand in mine.

He started driving home and before I knew it, I was asleep.

I suddenly felt an arm around my legs and another arm around my shoulders.

Once this person picked me up I realized just by the scent it was Vinnie.

He carried me inside and set me in the bed. He took my hoodie off and covered me up.

He turned on Vampire Diaries for me and then lay next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close as I fell into a deep sleep again.

Dreaming of everything that happened today. Last week I was in a huge house taking care of myself and my mom.

Now I'm in my boyfriend's apartment. Then I started thinking about how crazy it was that Vinnie was my boyfriend.

So I was dreaming of something that felt like a dream.

Crazy huh?




(*Edited*)               Word count: 1231

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