Alone in the Woods

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Y/n's POV

It was dark at this point and I was tired. I was surprised I was still awake. Maria and Oscar were talking, but I couldn't focus on anything they were saying. "Hey guys. Qrow said we should get some sleep. We're going to head out early tomorrow." Ruby said. "Thank goodness." Blake said. I fell asleep but only for a few hours. I had a nightmare that I was back at Haven and I was injured worse than before. I woke up in a cold sweat. Everyone was asleep so I snuck out of the house to clear my head. I climbed up the sign to the town and hung one leg off the edge as I stared up at the stars. Something about stars is entrancing. I zoned out while staring at the night sky.

Oscar's POV

I heard footsteps and the door opening and then closing. I propped myself up on my elbow and saw that Y/n was gone. I slipped out after her. I saw her on top of the sign staring at the stars, seemingly entranced. I grabbed the necklace that I bought for her out of my pocket. I closed my fist around it and walked up to Y/n.

Y/n's POV

"Hey, Y/n, can I talk to you for a minute?" I heard a familiar voice say. That startled me so I fell off the sign and landed flat on my back. "Ow." I said. Someone started to run toward me. I saw that it was Oscar. "Are you okay?" he asked me, concern in his voice. "Yeah." I said as I sat up. I shook my head, flinging snow everywhere. Oscar helped me get up. After he helped me up he extended his hand. "I-I got this for you a little while back." he said. A small blush spread across my cheeks. I took what he gave me and saw it was a necklace that had a star charm. "D-do you like it?" Oscar asked me. "I love it, but... I don't deserve it." I said. He was confused. "I had a nightmare earlier. A nightmare that I was back at Haven and I was injured worse than I was before. I see my scar as a symbol of shame. A symbol that I couldn't protect anyone." I said. I started to cry. "But you did. You protected me from Hazel. I would have been toast if it wasn't for you." Oscar said. "Oscar, you've actually become something, but me? I'm just an ally cat." I said. Oscar wiped some of the tears from my face. "You may be an ally cay, but you're my ally cat." Oscar said. I felt a soft pair of lips meet mine. It felt like time had stopped and it was just us. Oscar broke the kiss and slid the necklace over my head. "Let's head back." Oscar said. "Shoot, which house were we staying in?" I asked. The moon came out from behind a cloud and the moonlight bounced off the charm and a beam of light pointed toward a house. "That one." Oscar said. We started to walk toward it and Oscar grabbed my hand. "Why is your hand so cold?" he asked. "I don't know." I said. We went back into the house and I fell asleep almost instantly. The next morning I woke up to sunlight in my eyes. I noticed that Oscar had his hand over mine. He must have done that after I fell asleep. We all woke up and went outside. I was sitting on the stairs next to Oscar. "Can we just go back to bed?" he asked. "If we're all so tired maybe we should make breakfast?" Blake said. "You want to make it?" I asked. "Not really." Blake said. Ruby and Qrow came over with a trailer. "You guys got the bike ready?" Ruby asked. Yang pointed to the hitch they just made. "Well, it's done now, so let's hook this thing up-" Qrow started to say. One of the tires popped. "You people are just beacons for bad luck, aren't you?" Maria said. Qrow walked away. "I'm starting to think the universe just doesn't want us getting to Atlas." Yang said. "It's just a flat tire, I'm sure there's a spare." Ruby said. "It's not just that. It's everything. Storms, crashes, monsters. I'm so tired." Yang said. "Me too. It feels like we're always having to fight to get by." Blake said. "Yeah. But that's what we signed up for." Ruby said. "Signed up to try and save the world. Not just delay the inevitable." I said. "Last night I... I couldn't stop thinking. Why are we even going to Atlas?" Weiss said. Everyone was silent for a moment. "Weiss, we have to." Ruby said. "Why? Ozpin hid the relics behind giant doors under enormous schools. But, how long would it take for Cinder to find a lamp in the middle of nowhere?" Yang asked. "What? She might-" Ruby got her sentence cut off. "She'd find it eventually, sure. But if we burry it or just throw it down the well, that could take years. It might not even happen in our lifetime. But we could be done with it now." Yang said. Ruby took the lamp off her belt. She walked over to the well. "I am really tired." Ruby said. Ruby was startled by something and dropped the lamp. "No, no, no! I didn't mean to!" Ruby said. "Ruby, it's okay." Weiss said. "No! No! There's something down there, I saw it! It was looking at me." Ruby said. "Hey, it's okay. You just said you were tired. It's probably nothing. Now let's go." Yang said. "What's wrong with you? We can't just leave. We have to go down there. We have to get the lamp back. Oh what was I thinking?" Ruby said. "All we have to do is fix this trailer. Hey farm boy, check the shed for a spare." Qrow said. "I'm not leaving without the lamp!" Ruby said. "I'll go with you." Blake said. "We'll go down together." Weiss said. "Fine. We'll get the stupid lamp. Oscar and Y/n, fix the stupid tire." Qrow said. "Where are you going?" Maria asked Qrow. "Where do you think?" Qrow asked. "Tsk. Stupid." Maria said. She sat down on the stairs and started to read. Oscar and I went to the shed and found a spare tire. "Oscar! Y/n!" I heard from inside the house. "We have to go! Now!" Yang yelled at us. We got in the trailer and once we had everyone we sped out. I was sitting next to Oscar and he grabbed my hand. I was distracted but he brought me back to reality. I leaned my head on his shoulder and eventually fell asleep.

One Soul Away(Oscar Pine x Female Cat Faunus Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum