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Y/n's POV

We chased after the Grimm. I was able to calm myself down and was able to stop crying. Zeke handed me Divine Light and I put it on my belt. "It's going to lose us in these mountains! We can't keep up!" Jaune yelled over the wind. I heard a beeping noise coming from the hoverbike. Zeke looked at the screen. It had a small model of the bike and one of the engines was red. "I don't know how much longer these bikes can stand the cold!" Zeke yelled. "I'm really wishing one of us could fly right now!" Yang yelled. "Wait. Hold on! Ren! We're going to get you up there!" Jaune yelled. Ren stood up on his hoverbike. Ren launched off Jaune's shield and was able to latch onto the Grimm's leg. Zeke made it so we were next to Jaune. "Nice!" I yelled as I put my hand up for a high-five. Jaune high-fived me and almost lost control. Zeke steered away. Ren was slammed into a wall. "Okay, not as nice." Yang said through the intercom. We dodged rocks as we zoomed through the canyon. "It's slowing him down. Hold on Ren!" Zeke yelled. "I don't have much of a choice!" Ren yelled. He used his other gun to grab a rock to slow the Grimm down. The Grimm looked back and sped up, causing the rock to be knocked loose. Rocks started to fall. Yang sped up and got to higher ground. She started to shoot at the Grimm. It started to move faster and it let out a mighty roar. A bunch of worm-like Grimm came out of the walls. "Did it just call for backup?" Yang yelled. I stood up and slashed the Grimm left and right while Zeke steered. One of the Grimm that I missed spit some acid or something onto one of the engines. The percent started to go down. "Y/n!" Yang yelled. "Zeke!" Jaune yelled. Zeke looked at me and I nodded. I jumped off the hoverbike and spun Divine Light beneath me to launch off one of the Grimm. Zeke ditched the hoverbike and landed on Jaune's. I landed on an arch and Yang grabbed my arm and put me on her hoverbike. "Thanks for the save." I said. "Don't thank me yet." Yang said. There was a minefield of Grimm in front of us. Yang sped up and weaved her way through them. We dipped back down into the canyon next to Jaune and Zeke. Yang sighed in relief. I spotted the cliff edge. "Yang!" I said. She couldn't come to a stop in time. We tumbled off the cliff but not before I stuck Divine Light into the ground to try and save us. Ren hooked onto Divine Light and was able to grab my leg before we plummeted to the ground. Ren masked our emotions when he saw a Grimm coming for us. Zeke and Jaune peered over the cliff. The Grimm flew off towards the large one that had emerged from the clouds of red. Zeke and Jaune were able to hoist us up. I turned Divine Light into my knifes, put them on my belt, and helped Zeke and Yang pick up the pieces of what remained of the bike. We walked through the snow. Jaune had the broken bike and Yang had the one that still worked. Zeke was looking at his scroll. I could tell that our aura levels were dropping. Mine was dropping faster than the others. Probably because I wasn't as experienced with these intense conditions. Zeke put his scroll away and draped his jacket over my shoulders. I put it on properly. The sleeves were too long, but it didn't matter. I put the hood up because the frost was nipping at my ears. The hood almost covered my eyes. "We need to get out of this weather before the cold drops our aura's completely. How much farther to the outpost?" Zeke asked Ren. Ren didn't answer. "Ren! How much-" Yang was cut off. "I don't know." Ren said. Yang looked back at Zeke, Jaune, and me. Zeke shrugged. "Zeke, take the bike." Yang said. Zeke grabbed the handlebars and Yang quickened her pace so she was next to Ren. "I thought you said you saw it when you were up in the air." she said. "I did. Before I had to cut myself loose to help you and Y/n." Ren said. "Yeah. You've brought that up a couple times now. Something you need to say?" Yang asked. "Not really. Wouldn't want to waist anymore time." Ren said as he sped up. "Hey! What is your deal?" Yang asked as she stepped in front of him. We all stopped. "Don't worry about it." Ren said. "Well, I'm sorry things aren't going smoothly enough for you." Yang argued. "Guys." I said as I moved the hood of Zeke's jacket out of my face. "They're not going smoothly at all." Ren said. "I hate to break it to you, but that's part of being a Huntsmen." Yang said. "Are you kidding?! We don't know the first thing about being Huntsmen, and clearly we weren't ready. Y/n isn't even licensed." Ren said. I was stunned, but shook off the comment. "Guys. Stop it." I said more sternly. I took the hood off, just in case they couldn't hear me. "Were we not ready when we saved Haven? When we took down a leviathan? We got the lamp to Atlas!" Yang said. "And then we lost it, and after that, when we had to make real decisions, we got every single one wrong." Ren said. "I'm not going to pretend like we did everything perfectly, but if we'd done nothing, things would be worse than they are now." Yang said. "How could they possibly be worse? We are stuck out here while Cinder has the lamp and Oscar. We've got no plan, no army." Ren said. "We've got the maiden." Yang said. "And by keeping her from opening the vault for Ironwood, we're just trapping the whole city for Cinder! People are going to die because of us." Ren said. "So what? We should just give Ironwood what he wants? Abandon Mantle? You think Atlas is still gonna be able to float to safety now that she's here?" Yang asked. "I don't know! But these aren't the kinds of decisions we should be making because we have no idea what we're doing!" Ren said. "Okay. Both of you. Cut it out." I said. "I'm just saying what nobody else wants to. We're in way over our heads. Ruby is barely more than a kid, I'm just an orphan from the middle of nowhere-" Jaune cut Ren off. "Ren I-" Jaune got cut off. "You cheated your way into Beacon!" Ren yelled. We were all stunned. Ren looked like he immediately regretted what he said. "You don't think we should be Huntsmen, right? But I'm getting out of the cold." Jaune said. He started to walk away. Zeke and I looked at each other and followed. "We still have a job to do." Jaune said as he passed Ren and Yang.

~~time skip~~

We had made it to a small building where we could spend the night. I was slowly warming up my hands. I had given Zeke his jacket back earlier. Jaune was able to get the heater working. "You're right, Ren. I did cheat my way into Beacon, and I'm glad I have people around me to help me see that... I was bigger than that mistake. You've got people around you too. You don't have to force yourself to be strong. The more you hide from what you're feeling, the more alone you're going to feel. Trust me." Jaune said. Ren said nothing and walked out of the door. "If anyone cares, I found a part to fix the bike." Zeke said. He walked over to the workbench. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry he said that to you. I know you've had to work harder to get here Jaune." I said as I walked up next to him by the window. "How do you know that?" Jaune asked. "That guy." I said, pointing to Zeke. "Anyway, we're all under a lot of stress right now. I used to push people away too." Jaune said. Zeke started to tighten something. "Do you... think she thinks less of me? For not helping out with Animy?" Yang asked. "Ruby is your sister. She's always going to love you, even if you disagree with each other. Y/n and Zeke can speak to that." Jaune said. Zeke and I nodded. "Yeah. Ruby." Yang said. There was a short pause. "I need to get some sleep, but I can't stop thinking about Oscar." Jaune said as he lied down on one of the beds. "Go on. I'll make sure Ren doesn't freeze himself to death." Zeke said as he walked away from the bike engine. "Thanks. I just have a bad feeling. Things always seem to get worse before they get better." Jaune said. Yang climbed up the ladder and got onto one of the beds too. I sat down on the floor near the heater. "Y/n?" Yang asked. "Oh. I noticed that there were only four beds so I'm gonna sleep here. I don't want any of you to experience more pain than I have." I said. I muttered the last part. "Don't kill yourself." Jaune said. "I won't." I said as I lied down. I felt weird. Like something in me had changed.

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