The More the Merrier

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Y/n's POV

We all walked towards Haven in silence. My ears drooped. I was dealing with a lot of guilt and pressure and was 14 at the time. Oscar and I were a little bit behind the group and Ruby stopped. Oscar and I kept walking and I gave her an awkward glance. We walked into the building and saw Lionheart on what looked like a pedestal. "Why hello." Lionheart said as we got closer. "Thank you for coming. There seems to be more of you then last time." Lionheart said. "Eh, you know what they say. The more the merrier." said Qrow. "So what's goin on with the counsel?" Qrow asked. "Why did you bring your weapons?" Lionheart asked. "What? Leo, we're Huntsmen. You okay?" Qrow said. "Of course! Of course, sorry. Just haven't had my evening coffee." Lionheart said. "Look, it's nice to see you but we've got work to do. Are we getting support from the council or not?" Qrow asked. "Mom?" Yang randomly asked. A raven flew off a railing and appeared as a woman a next to Lionheart. Qrow drew his weapon. "Raven." Ruby said angerly. "They... they really are magic." Nora remarked. Raven took off her helmet. "If you're going to shoot me, shoot me. That was insulting." Raven said. "What are you doing here?" Qrow asked, gritting his teeth. "I could ask you the same thing. You've been scheming, little brother. Planning to attack your own sister." Raven said as she walked down the stairs. "Leo! What have you done?" Qrow asked. "I-I..." Lionheart started to say. "Leo did what any sane person would in his position. He looked at all the information he had in front of him, assessed the situation, and made a choice." Raven said. There was a small pause. "And it seems you all have, too." Raven said as she looked at Yang. "You have the spring maiden." Qrow said. "I do." Raven said. "Then hand her over and let's work together. We can beat Cinder." Qrow said. "All that time spent spying for Ozpin and you still have no idea what you're dealing with. There is no beating Cinder." Raven said. "You're wrong. We've done things that most people would call impossible, and I know the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone. We had people to teach us, people to help us. We had each other. Work with us. At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try together." Ruby said. "Please." Raven rolled her eyes. "You sound just like your mother." Raven said. She quickly drew her sword and slashed it downward. This opened a portal that sent a fireball at Ruby. "Ruby!" Yang exclaimed as she ran towards her sister. Cinder stepped out of the portal. "Hello boys and girls." Cinder said. The rest of her team stepped out of the portal. "Cinder." Ruby hissed. "Come on guys, is that any way to great your old friends?" a dude with silver hair said. "Everybody stay calm." Qrow said. My hands hovered near my knives. The door behind us opened. "Oh no." Oscar whispered. "The White Fang is prepping demolition, and securing the school grounds. No one's getting in. Or out." a man with a large build said. He started to walk toward us. "This was all just a trap?" Weiss asked. "It appears so." Ren said. "Raven. Tell me. How long have you been with them?" Qrow asked. "Aww, don't take it personally, little bird. Your sister was a recent addition. The lion, on the other hand. Entrance into the Vital Festival was a real treat. But Leonardo has been sending me all sorts of information for a very, very long time. Isn't that right, Professor?" Cinder said. "Stop it." Lionheart said. "It was you. You sit on the Mistral Council. You had information from every Huntsmen and Huntress in the kingdom, and you gave it all to her." Qrow said. "I..." Lionheart started to say. "I couldn't find any of them. Because you let her kill them." Qrow said. "I did. It was quite a delight. Now Leo, don't beat yourself up about it. I'm sure Tyrian and Hazel would have found them on their own eventually." Cinder said. "What is wrong with you? How can you be so broken inside, to take so many lives then come here and rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of?!" Jaune yelled. "Jaune?" Nora asked. "All with that damn smile on your face!" Jaune screamed, tears streaming down his face. Ruby drew her weapon. "Everybody stay calm!" Qrow said. There was a short pause. "I'm going to make you pay for what you did! Do you hear me?!" Jaune yelled. I flipped out my knives as my eyes narrowed. I was on high alert. My ears acted like radars, listening, waiting... "Kid!" Qrow said. "Well?! Say something!" Jaune yelled. There was a small pause. "Who are you again?" Cinder said. Jaune became enraged and charged toward Cinder. Cinder summoned a blade and parried the blow. I glanced at Oscar and he glanced back at me. We both had fear in our eyes. "Jaune!" Ruby said as she ran towards him. She jumped up, but was stopped by the girl with green hair. "You're not getting near her." the girl said. Yang started to run towards Ruby before the dude with silver hair stepped in front of her. "Hey there blondie. I think you owe me an apology for my leg, don't you think?" he said. Yang blasted toward him. "Take out the heiress. Don't bother wasting you power. She's not worth it." Raven said. Raven drew her sword and started to fight Qrow. "Running away with one thing, but this. You've crossed the line." Qrow said. "Sorry brother. Sometimes family disappoints you like that." Raven said. "We're not family anymore." Qrow said. "Were we ever?" Raven asked. "I thought so, but I guess I was wrong." Qrow said. "Let's see what the Schnee name really means." a girl with short hair said as she drew her weapons. "I'm more than a name." Weiss said as she pointed her sword at the girl. "Hm. Prove it." the short haired girl said. Weiss started to fight with the girl. Oscar and I started to move around the room. Nora approached the man with the large build. "I don't wish to fight either of you." the man said. "Nor I do." Ren said. "But we will if you're with her!" Nora said. The man cracked his knuckles as he stepped forward. "Very well then." the man said. I snuck up the staircase on the right side of the room and Oscar suck up on the left. Lionheart turned around and saw me and Oscar. "Young people, I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing, but for your sake, I suggest you leave. Now." Lionheart said. "No." I said as I climbed up the last bit of stairs. "I'm warning you!" Lionheart said as he readied his weapon. He pointed it at me because I had my knives out. I let out a small hiss as my ears folded back and I bared my fangs. Oscar reached for his weapon. "That's enough!" Lionheart yelled. He spun a small rune over his shield. He fired a small flaming rock at me. I swung one of my blades at the rock. There was a metallic clash as my blade made contact. The rock exploded around me and one of the large pieces of debris went towards Oscar. Oscar crossed his arms to protect himself and it shattered. His aura showed for a moment. I glared daggers at Lionheart. Oscar and I walked straight up to Lionheart. Oscar extended his cane and Lionheart had a moment of shock. "Ozpin? Salem?" Lionheart asked. "Not quite." Oscar and I said at the same time. Oscar charged at Lionheart and started to swing. I scanned my surroundings and saw a way to get above Lionheart. I jumped from railing to railing, gradually getting higher. Once I was in an optimal position I dropped down and tried to pin Lionheart down by landing on top of him. Lionheart saw me and dodged. "This can't be. I knew both of you would be back, but you both made it here. You found Qrow. How?" Lionheart said. "Leo. What happened to you?" Salem asked. "Wait. You can't have had these forms for long. You're, not really Ozpin right now. And you're not Salem at the moment. You're children. If I give you both to Cinder, she'll have to be pleased with me. Then I can finally get out of all of this. I can finally be free!" Lionheart said. "What do we do?" I said to Oscar. "Fight." Salem said. "I say we fight." Oscar said. "Took the words right out of my mouth." I said. We both charged at Lionheart. After about a minute had passed there was a blinding white flash. Cinder was knocked down and Jaune charged at her, but he missed. Cinder got mad and activated her maiden powers. Cinder stepped on Jaune's chest. "You really think you have a chance against me? You?" Cinder yelled. Jaune reached for his sword, but he couldn't reach it. "You're just a failure with a death wish." Cinder said as she deactivated her maiden powers. "If I die buying them time, then it's worth it. They're the ones that matter." Jaune said. "You think so..." Cinder said. Cinder summoned a spear and threw it at Weiss. It went through her like butter. I gasped in horror. The spear disintegrated and Weiss fell.

One Soul Away(Oscar Pine x Female Cat Faunus Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant