A New Approach

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Y/n's POV

Everyone was silent, except for Nora who was trying to pull off her handcuffs with her teeth. I was just staring at the ground, ears folded back. "Where do you think they're taking us?" Ruby asked. I looked up. "I'm gonna go with jail." Qrow said. "I still can't believe that fishy pole guy took us out like it was nothing." Jaune said. "Welcome to Atlas. Those were Ironwoods ace operatives." Weiss said. "You guys had a run in with the ace ops? Ironwood must really have a bone to pick with you." the guy in the corner said. "They're not that big of a deal." Weiss said. "Not that big of a deal?! The ace ops are the elite of elite military Huntsmen and Ironwood's personal attack dogs." the guy said. "So they got you too, huh?" Nora said. "Pft! I wouldn't let myself get caught by them! I'm here because I've been speaking out against Atlas's exploitations of Mantel and General Ironwood is trying to silence me!" the guy said. "You threw a brick at our ship." the piolet said. "It's worth it if it gets people talking about our cause!" the guy said. The piolet sighed. "Our cause?" Blake asked. "Yes! The fight for better conditions in Mantel! Like by the charismatic, talented, lovely, Robin Hill, and her happy Huntresses!" the guy said. The piolet pushed a button and a window started to roll up in front of the bars that separated us from them. "They were all top Atlas Academy graduates who could've signed up for the military but Robin and the Huntresses chose to stay in Mantel. She's gunning for a seat on the kingdom's council and when she gets it she's gonna put an end to Ironwood's tyranny!" the guy yelled. I was just confused. "Happy... Huntresses." I said, in disbelief. "Is that their real name?" Yang asked. "Don't you think tyranny's a little dramatic?" Weiss asked. "Easy to say for a Schnee heiress, living comfortably up in Atlas." the guy said. Weiss sighed. "Not anymore." she said. "Whoa! It's gorgeous up here." Ruby said. I turned to the window. "Don't let that fool you." Weiss said. "This isn't the police station." the guy said. "It's... Atlas Academy." Qrow said. The ship landed and the doors opened. We all stepped out of the ship and looked up at the school in awe. Some guards came down the stairs to the landing pad. "I guess we will be seeing the General. For better or worse." Ruby said. We started to walk up to the school. We went into an elevator. "So, what do we do?" Ren asked. "I don't know yet. We should be carful with what we say." Ruby said. "We'll follow your lead, Ruby." Blake said. There was a quiet ding and the doors opened. We walked out of the elevator and continued down a hallway. We entered a large room. Penny passed through with two other people but she stopped when she saw us. "Yay, you're here!" Penny said. The two other people turned around. "Winter." Weiss said as she walked toward the woman. They shared a surprised look. "Anyone want to give us a hand with these?" Nora asked. The woman put her arms behind her back. "You have 10 seconds to take those off before I start hurting you." the woman said to the guards. The guards rushed to take off the handcuffs. They all dropped to the floor and contracted. I rubbed my wrists once my handcuffs were off. "Please, come in." Ironwood said as we walked into a different room. "It is so good to see you all again." he said. "Our reception didn't really convey that." Yang said. Ironwood sighed. "I sincerely regret how you were treated by my team. When a rouge airship entered our airspace it raised some... red flags. We assumed the ship was stolen." Ironwood said. "Stolen?... Okay yeah. It was stolen." Ruby said. "You stole an Atlas airship? What were you thinking?! You might have been shot down. How unbelievably irresponsible-" Winter got cut off by a hug from Weiss. "I'm sorry I worried you, but we did what we had to do." Weiss said. "I... I suppose I understand" Winter said. "But I can not believe that you allowed this to happen, Qrow." Winter said. "You try stopping these kids when they've got their minds set on something. Speaking of which, we have some important information for you that's... confidential." Qrow said. "Oh! Is it about the relics?" Penny asked. "Or perhaps the winter maiden?" Winter asked. "You told them?" Qrow asked. Ironwood chuckled and stood up. He dug through one of the drawers on his desk and pulled out the lamp. "Did you really think you were the only one who got to work on a new plan after Beacon? With Ozpin and Salem gone I needed my own team of people I could trust. So yes, I told them. The ace ops too. Which is why I'm so glad you're here. With this, until now I believed it was impossible to truly turn the tide against Cinder. Oz has pushed her back and has kept victory out of her claws but she will keep returning, stronger and stronger. Unless we destroy her." Ironwood said as he set down the lamp. "But, what about the Atlas relic?" Ruby asked. "You mean the staff of creation?" Ironwood asked. "It's safe inside the vault!" Penny said. "And the winter maiden?" Qrow asked. "She is secure. And in stable condition." Winter said. "Stable condition? What does that-" Yang got cut off. "She's not exactly a spring chicken." Qrow said. "I know how this all looks. Recalling my military, the embargo. I probably don't seem the most trustworthy right now." Ironwood said. "Then why continue it?" Blake asked. "The people of Mantel are hurting." Nora said. "I needed to ensure Cinder couldn't infiltrate Atlas and I wanted my military here, protecting my people." Ironwood said. "But it's not protecting them, it's making everyone hate you." Yang said. "It's a price I'm willing to pay." Ironwood said. He pushed a button. "Just as you all have been entrusted with the knowledge of Cinder's existence, I need you all to trust me. I have a plan." Ironwood said as the room went dark. Something started to lift up under me so I stepped off. "Ozpin and Salem believed the best way to defeat Cinder was to do so in secret. Weather that was the right choice or not isn't for me to say, but we find ourselves in a position of needing, well, a new approach." Ironwood said. "Well, then what do you suggest?" Qrow asked. An image appeared above the new table that had risen from the floor. "That's Animy Colosseum" Zeke said. "Where the Vital Festival is held?" Oscar asked. "Indeed. When Beacon fell and everyone on Remnant lost contact with one another, I knew our current system's outdated. Animy was built to bring the nations together and it will serve that purpose once again." Ironwood said. An antenna was added to the model. I was confused and looked over a Oscar. We shared a look of confusion. "Isn't it great? We're not going to just replace Beacon tower, building a new tower on top of Animy Colosseum will restore global communications." Penny said. "By launching the tower high into the atmosphere, our scientists believe that we could create a sort of satellite, out of reach of the Grimm, and capable of maintaining global communications even if we were to lose another tower." Winter said. "That is great." Ruby said. "James, you don't need the entire military for this." Qrow said. "I will for the next part. When I finally tell the people about Cinder." Ironwood said. "So that's why you withdrew your troops. To handle the panic in Atlas." Qrow said. "Yes. Panic is inevitable. And panic brings Grimm, but I believe we are ready. Once Atlas has come to grips with the fight ahead, I'll use Animy tower to spread the message to all of Remnant." Ironwood said. "But everything will fall apart! Grimm will be everywhere!" Weiss said. "You're right, but Atlas is willing and prepared to assist." Winter said. "Trying to hide the truth from the world will eventually kill us all." Ironwood said. The image disappeared and the room lit up again. "Oz spent his whole life, many lives, keeping this secret. Salem did too." Qrow said. "I know, but since Beacon thing's changed. Without them here to guide us, all I can do is use my best judgement." Ironwood said. Oscar and I looked down at the floor and my ears folded back. Ironwood saw. "What is it?" Ironwood asked us. I looked up at him. Oscar stepped forward. "Actually, Oz and Salem aren't completely gone." Oscar said. "Uh, Oscar and Y/n here are... are the next Ozpin and Salem." Qrow said. I was tense. "Oz? Salem?" Ironwood asked as he walked over to Oscar and I. Ironwood was so tall that he had to take a knee to be at eye level with us. "I'm so glad you're here, I didn't think you-" I cut Ironwood off. "Not quite. They're both kind of..." I trailed off. "Gone. At the moment." Oscar finished. "That's not normal. How did they-" Ironwood got cut off by Ruby. "We don't know." she said. "We were in a train crash and ever since, well, suddenly they weren't there anymore." Ruby said. "That's the worst news yet." Ironwood said to himself as he stood up. I slowly took a couple steps back because I felt intimidated. "Did you learn anything from them about the relics before..." Ironwood trailed off. "They told us the lamp could answer 3 questions, but all the questions were used up already" Ruby said. "Right, right. They told us that too, once upon a time. At least we have you, Oscar and Y/n. You're safe here in Atlas. Maybe together we can figure out how to bring them back." Ironwood said. "Thank you sir! I mean, uh, General. I-Ironwood?" Oscar said. I felt that confusion. Ironwood went back over to his desk. Oscar stepped back to where I was and grabbed my hand. I smiled at him. I was a little overwhelmed so having him near helped. Ironwood grabbed the lamp and handed it to Ruby. "You're giving it back to me?" Ruby asked. "After what happened with the Ace Ops I don't want you to think I'm keeping anything from you. Especially something as important as this. For the time being I think it's safest with the people who brought it here." Ironwood said as he handed the lamp to Ruby. "Um, thank you." Ruby said. She put the lamp on her belt. "We must work together if we're to fight Cinder and win. Now, if you're all on board." Ironwood said. "Tell us how we can help." Ruby said. "Good, because getting the Animy tower ready to launch won't be easy. But first, I think we need to get those weapons of yours up to our standers." Ironwood said. A small screen appeared and it showed Blake with her broken sword. "Remember, this is Atlas. While assisting the military, we will provide you with the best equipment our scientists can devise." Winter said. Everyone gasped. We walked into the room where we first met Ironwood and Winter. "Alright, cut the chatter." one of the Ace Ops said. "I'd like to sincerely apologize for the miscommunication down in Mantel. We didn't intend to-" the guy got cut off. "I feel so bad, honestly! If we had known who you were we'd be laughing over a hot meal right now and-" Ruby cut the girl who was speaking off. "I understand. You were just following orders." Ruby said. "I mean you could have asked us some questions first." Weiss said. "Questions are for the weak, but we're all on the same team now. Not that I'm happy about it" one of the other members said. Apparently he was a faunus and his tail was wagging and we all saw. I don't know about that one, buddy I thought. He grabbed his tail to stop it. "We just wanted to say we're sorry, and that we're looking forward to working with you on our next mission. You may be students but you're fighting just as hard as we have. If not harder." the first guy said. "Exactly why I'm looking forward to see what you kids can do." the other girl said. "Not everything's a competition Hare." the other man said. "Come on! Let me show you around campus!" Penny said as she zipped in front of Ruby. We followed Penny. "So that way's the cafeteria and that way's the training rooms. Oh, and over there are the classrooms!" Penny said. I was half asleep at this point and my ears had drooped due to exhaustion. I yawned. "This all looks great, Penny, but where are we staying?" Ruby asked. "Remember, you're in Atlas now! As the most well funded school on Remnant, every team at Atlas Academy get their own room! And if that enough-" Penny got cut off. "So we're staying in the dorms?" Zeke asked. "It'll be just like Beacon again!" Penny said. Nora had been leaning on Ren and she fell to the floor.

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