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Kai's POV

The next day, after finally being allowed to get some sleep, I woke up in one of the guest bedrooms of my father's home, surrounded by his men. They are my constant companions now, until I'm forced to walk down the aisle and marry. Hell, I can't even take a shit in the bathroom without one of them forcing their way into the room with me and keeping watch, I wish I were exaggerating. Every move I make, three of them are right there, monitoring me, watching like a hawk.

And because my father doesn't trust me (I can't imagine why) he's denied me almost everything in the room except for a toothbrush and hairbrush. I have no razors to shave, for fear I might try to find an alternative and creative way out of this marriage. I'm sure in three days time, when the actual wedding is set, I'll be allowed to shave.

Roy was allowed to return to his work for now but he too has a buddy that rides with him and makes sure he stays in line. But at least he gets to go outside again.

I sit up in the bed, arms crossed behind my head as I lean back against the headboard, staring at the silent watchers in my room, none of us talking. The silence is awkward and loud.

Finally, I break it.

"So.... which one of you is up to go get some food? I'm starving." I grin widely, hoping I've caught them off guard.

No one budges.

"Okay. How about a little entertainment then? Cards? Monopoly? Tv? I've actually always been curious about dungeons and dragons, let's start a campaign! I'll be the master." I crack another joke to a room full of statues.

"Tough crowd," I mumble to myself mostly.

The digital alarm on the night stand beside me tells me that it's only eleven in the morning, so my day of quiet boredom has just begun. These next few days are going to be literal hell.

Giving up on trying to get a rise out of my guards, I roll over and decide that sleeping is more productive than this. I force myself to take a nap instead. Letting the time pass, and waste the day away.

I had only been asleep for maybe an hour, hour and a half at most when the bedroom door opened. 

I was just barely conscious enough to realize it. I quickly sat up. My father was standing in the room, just passed the door, the guards moving out of his way as he stood and glared at me.

"Hungry?" Was all he had to say to me.

"I could eat." I replied back dryly.

"Good." He snapped his fingers and a maid hurriedly carted in a wheel tray and immediately started setting up a little makeshift table for me to eat at since there was no actual table and chair for me to use. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and drew the cart closer to me and began to inspect my meal. I removed the cover over the plate and smelled the most delicious scent of the steak and potatoes. I salivated and couldn't even stop it.

I was having a hard time remembering the last time I ate, I know it was sometime yesterday. Breakfast maybe with Evie?


I brought the plate up right under my nose, inspecting it extra carefully for any signs it had been tampered with or drugged.

"There's no need for that son. I'm fully confident you are now aware and accepting of what's to happen."

I glared up at my father over the plate.

"Yea, well you see. This marriage to Victoria doesn't quite work for me."

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