Work Outing

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*authors note*

Hello to all my beautiful friends,
I'm so sorry for going MIA for a while there.
I've been dealing with getting through this writers block, and personal matters, including a brand new work schedule that has thrown me off my groove.
I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint and I hope to get back to normalcy soon enough.

Thank you guys 🥰🥰

Evie's POV

I woke up and regretted instantly that I didn't die in my sleep. My head felt like someone was pounding nails into it. My hair hurt, down to the tiny little follicles. My jaw hurts, like I've been gnashing my teeth together all night.

"Morning Sweetheart."

I can hear him speaking and I know it's not intentional but he needs to lower his fucking voice.

I groaned, "shut up please! You're too fucking loud." I yell, my migraine protesting. I yanked the pillow from under my head and slammed it over my ears and eyes, trying to make everything go pitch black and silent as the grave.

But I could still hear his chuckle from the bed beside me. I raised one hand and gave him the finger.

I felt the bed dip beneath him as he returned to my side.

Gently taking the pillow away from me, he forced me to sit up and placed two aspirins and a glass of water in my hands. I dry swallowed the pills and chugged the water while I watched him open a familiar looking package. Finally he handed me another pill which I accepted. It was the morning after pill I had completely forgotten about in my drunken state yesterday.

It should still work, hopefully.

"Here, take this and we'll work on getting you something greasy for breakfast." He didn't wait to make sure I took it before leaving the room for a moment.

I groaned in pain, waiting for the world to stop spinning.

When he came back, sitting next to me, he had a huge grin displayed on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him.


My attitude and tone didn't diminish his cheerful expression.

"Nothing. Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked, grinning like he knew something I didn't.

I avoided his gaze while I tried to think, nothing. I remember the fight with him and Warren. Then I took the bottle of vodka into my room to drink while I unpacked... and then nothing.

"No... how bad was it? I never get drunk. That was very unlike me, so I'm sorry for being a burden to you." I apologized for my reckless behavior last night.

"Don't be. It was.... a very entertaining experience to see that side of you... you were very hyper and horny. Kinda hot, not gonna lie. You told me we should do it in the pool." He wasn't looking at me, picking off some lint or something from his shirt while I stared in horror listening to my drunken antics. "Oh, and you finally confessed you love me. That was great." He grinned.

I felt my eyes pop open wide in shock.

"I-uh- what?" I stammered.

Without missing a beat, "you finally admitted that you love me." He grinned handsomely at me.

Fuck. Fuck! God dammit Evelyn you shouldn't have gotten drunk last night.

"Are you sure that's what I said? And besides, clearly I was drunk. And drunk people always say the most random things, I've been told I can be pretty affectionate when I'm intoxicated so... I'm sure that's all it was." I tried to blow it off, chuck it up to the alcohol.

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