Straight Out of the Hospital

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Six months ago.
Kai's POV

I stared in a stunned silence at the wide open door.

The last thing she said to me still registering in my brain.

"I'm sorry Kai, but I don't feel the same way you do. I- I have to go. I'm so sorry."

I couldn't believe it. I refused to accept it.

I looked down at the IV in my arm and tried pulling it out, a stream of blood spurting from the vein. The finger sensor on my left pointer finger started beeping loudly when I yanked it off. The plastic tube that was in my nose helping pump oxygen into my system was next. I was halfway out of the bed, arm bleeding slightly now and the world spinning when a group of nurses came running in, stopping me.

I tried pushing my way out of their grasp but they outnumbered me and had a physical advantage since I've been asleep for so long.

"Mr. Carisi! You need to stay put! You haven't been released yet!" They were all wrestling me back onto the bed.

"No! I have to go! Let me go!" My weak voice sounding less convincing.

They managed to tie me back down to the bed, the restraints holding my hands down by my sides. They hooked me back up to everything.

I looked at one of them, begging to let me go.

"Please, the girl that was just here-"

"You can call and make up with your girlfriend later. Right now you need to sleep." She said as she filled a syringe with something and injected it into my IV. "Now, count back from ten."

I didn't speak out loud but in my mind I only got to eight and then everything went black.

When I woke up again, Roy and Ian were sitting by my side.

I looked over at them groggily.

"Hey man." Ian said softly.

I nodded my head slightly. "Hey."

"How are you-" Roy started but I interrupted.

"Where's Evie?" I asked immediately. The two of them exchanged a strange look that gave me pause for concern.

"Um, I'm not sure. I assumed she would be here with you." Ian looked nervous.

"She ran away." I said, something must be poking my eyes, they sting something horrible.

"Ran away?" Roy asked nervously.

"I tried to tell her I lo- lo-. Fuck. I love her. I tried to tell her that and she ran away, she just took off." The stinging finally broke out into full blown tears.

When was the last time I cried? Like really shed a tear?

I took my right arm, free of needles and machines, and covered my eyes, embarrassed to be showing emotions like this.

I hated feeling weak.

The room was silent, the steady beeping from my monitors deafening.

When I could finally face my friends again, I was surprised yet again to see they weren't mocking me. In fact, Ian looked sad, Roy avoided meeting my gaze entirely.

I wiped away the tears, "what, no merciless teasing from you guys?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"No man. We wouldn't dare." Ian responded first.

"Yeah, that's not funny. Is she okay? Do you think she's hurt?" Roy asked.

"No, she just... ran away from me. Said she didn't feel the same way I do."

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