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*authors note*

Hey guys! Just wanted to pop in and ask you guys to give more votes if you could please, thank you!

Kai's POV

After my little talk with Gerry, I lost track of time and before I knew it, it was already half past five.


I promised Evie I would be home at six sharp. It doesn't make me look good to be late and break my promise this early in our new relationship.

I shut the computer down, locking up everything important in my fathers office and left quickly.

The maids tried to convince me to stay for dinner, some of the other members were going to be there so it was expected of me, as the temporary head, to be there also. Like I fucking care about traditions and protocols.

"Sorry but I have someone waiting for me at home. Gotta go!"

I tried to ignore their little surprised gasps.

It's not that unusual is it?

I raced like the devil was chasing me, weaving in and out of traffic, flipping off cars that honked.

Sorry fellas, but I have a lady waiting for me.

I didn't slow down until I made it to the guards gate at my apartment building, the guy on duty, Matt, jumped a little at my sudden approach, barely stopping in front of his stand. He quickly waved me through, seeming to understand my state of urgency to get home. As I rode the elevator up, I checked my phone for the time, five fifty-nine.

Just in time, barely.

I ran to the doors, excited to see her, in my home I've worked so hard to make presentable and comfortable for her. But when I walked in, she was nowhere in sight.

The huge screen tv I had mounted on the wall in the living room was left on, but I couldn't help but notice the Spanish setting was on. I grabbed the remote and turned it off.

Since when could Evie understand Spanish?

I slowly walked to the kitchen, the mess I made this morning and had planned to clean up when I got home was already taken care of.

I looked out on the patio, maybe expecting to see her taking advantage of the pool or fresh air outside.


I looked at the other side of the apartment that I hadn't shown her yet.

Still nothing.

I was starting to get worried.

Sweetheart, where are you?

I sprinted to the bedroom, at first glance I thought she wasn't in here either until I saw her figure curled up in a ball on the chaise next to the window.

I tiptoed quietly to her. She had showered not too long ago, her long hair splayed out to air dry and she had changed into some of my clothes. I appreciated the sight she was presenting me, her cute little ass hanging out of the bottom of my shirt. I lifted the fabric a little to verify that she was indeed not wearing any underwear.

I loved it.

I kissed her upturned hip, then her waist, then up to her shoulder and lastly her cheek. She still hadn't stirred. I gently urged her to roll back into my arms and carried her to the bed. Just as I laid her down in the sheets did she finally stir.

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