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While dividing up and putting away the meals I had made into plastic Tupperware, my own plate with a second helping was on the counter waiting for me. Behind me, I was just barely listening to the nightly news report on the tv.

Yes, I finally managed to get that damn thing on all by myself.

The reporters were giving a night time report on a series of muggings that have taken place recently in the area. I turned to watch the screen while putting lids on the containers, not quite fazed by the crimes. This is New York after all, those sort of things happen all the time, it kinda just comes with the price of living here. Sadly, most people learn to turn the other way and mind their own business.

While I struggled to get the last lid on tight, I saw the date and time stamp in the bottom of the screen flashing by, reading eleven fifty-five pm. October the twentieth.

My birthday is barely three days away now. I'd almost forgotten it with everything that's happened recently. I don't even think Kai knows when it is, I've never told him anyways so how would he know?

And now I'm faced with the dilemma of whether I should tell him or not.

It's been so long since I've actually had a real birthday celebration, with presents and cake and music, the last time being before my parents died while I was still in high school. Ever since I've spent every year pretty much alone, with the occasional dinner and maybe a few drinks with Cameron, my former best friend I've known since high school, but those times were so simple it could've happened on any night of the week and nothing would've made it remarkably special.

Part of me wanted to let Kai know, it secretly wants him to make this year special to make up for all the shitty years in the past, but why bother if I'm going to be leaving in six months.

Celebrating with him will only make it harder later on for me.

I've decided I wouldn't tell him.

I snapped the final lid on and loaded up the food in the fridge, closing the door and I made a sudden gasp sound as I turned around.

I hadn't heard Kai open the front door, the moment he spotted me in the kitchen, he slammed the door behind himself, coming to stand just in the middle of the open space between the entryway and the kitchen.

Covered in blood.

His face instantly looked relieved to see me. A smile spreading wide, despite his tired and covered expression.

I wasn't though.

Panicked and afraid, I ran up to him.

No, not again!

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" I started to bombard him with questions, gently pulling his jacket away so I could find where the wound is and hopefully stop the blood.

Kai only half smiled at me, his eyes closed for a brief moment before he grabbed me in a tight embrace, letting out a deep and loud sigh.

"I'm okay. Really. None of it is mine, I'm not hurt." Was all he said before going quiet for a long time. I closed my eyes as he pressed my cheek harder to his chest, both of us ignoring the blood that was now staining me. Somehow it seemed to be the least of my worries.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity of silence, I managed to get him to loosen his grip, tilting my head up so I could see his eyes, searching in their golden depths, trying to bring back his old self. His face lightly soured for a brief second when his gaze noticed my cheek and his hand crept up to try and wipe away some of the blood on me with no luck. It only smeared further across my cheek.

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