Nice to Meet You

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"-my friend, Evelyn."

I was lost in my own thoughts. That kiss from Kai earlier kept replaying in my head. The butterflies in my tummy were tingling again.

Suddenly I felt a hand gently squeezing my shoulder, jolting me out of my chaotic thoughts.

I shook my head clear of that image and looked up.

Warren was looking at me with concern, his smile faltering.

"I'm so sorry, what?" I asked.

"Looks like someone's already gotten started without us." Came an unfamiliar voice followed by several people's laughter. I joined in too, nervously.

Warren was trying to introduce me to his friends and coworkers and I was being completely rude.

I smiled widely, hoping to come across as friendly.

Warren reintroduced me to his coworkers, they made me feel welcomed enough but soon I was the odd man out of the conversation when they started talking about politics and upcoming cases that I had no idea about.

I kept off to the side, fancy cocktail drink in hand, keeping quiet and admiring the wall art of the upscale restaurant we were in.

Eventually our tables were ready and we were seated. I went to take the corner seat next to Warren but he redirected us to take a couple more in the middle. Exactly where I didn't really want to be at.

Dinner went by slowly. I started regretting my decision to come out. Don't get me wrong, I was flattered that Warren was thinking of me and tried to make me feel included. But being around these big shots who's families could afford them the best college education and everything made me feel just shitty about my own failures. But I kept a smile on my face the whole night, nodding in agreement and laughing when everyone else did even if it made no sense to me.

When it came time to getting the bill, there was an argument over who should pay for everyone, I shrunk low in my chair, trying to avoid any attention. Eventually everyone agreed to pay for their own meals, except for Warren who paid for my portion as well. Now I felt worse.

I leaned in close to him, "hey, I can get my own."

Warren smiled as he pulled out his wallet, "don't sweat it, I asked you out, remember?"

"Thank you." I said softly. Our eyes lingered on each other for a moment.

I felt a soft vibration coming from my small bag I carried with me tonight, looking down and pulling out my phone, it was a message.

From an unknown number:

Please unblock my number. I want to talk to you.

Oh shit I forgot.

I quickly went to my last text conversation with Kai from several months ago and changed the settings so we could talk. My nerves were acting up again, those damn butterflies.

I sent a quick message while Warren was distracted by the tables conversation.


Was all I sent, and waited all of two seconds before he responded.

Hey you, let me know when you've finished with dinner please.

We're wrapping up now. I'll be home hopefully within an hour.

Where are you?

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