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Kai's POV

Once we finished, I left Evie in my bed and went back to the living room naked to retrieve the now cold pizza.

I brought it back to the bed room, placing it at the foot of my bed where we could both reach.

"It's probably cold but I can reheat it if you want." I asked her, she was stretching lazily under the sheets from our extensive little exercise.

"No, I don't mind cold pizza. Thank you." She said as I handed her the first slice, neither of us bothering to put our clothes on again. I stared at her beauty and curves, her big green eyes getting heavy from being up so late.

Maybe I could convince her to stay naked all the time in the apartment.

I sat down next to her but didn't eat yet, I reached for the remote in my nightstand and pointed it at the wall across from us.

"You have a tv in here?" She asked, a look of pure shock and wonder on her face when the hidden projector I have on my ceiling turned on and the huge empty wall space turned into the tv screen.

"Oops, guess I forgot to mention that. What do you want to watch?" I asked.

She looked up at the projector, with a sweet childlike glee.

"That is so cool." She admitted.

I smiled at her when she wasn't looking at me.

"I can get another one, for when you pick out your room to do whatever you want." I offered, finally reaching for a slice. It was still slightly warm, even better than I expected. "Or maybe we could turn a room into a movie theater. Complete with those chairs that have the armrests that pull up. Perfect for having some fun in the dark." I teased.

"Yeah maybe." She replied, her voice getting heavy with drowsiness.

I laughed a little, understanding that she's not gonna be awake much longer.

"Eat two more slices and I'll let you sleep. I'm willing to bet you haven't eaten all day, am I right?"

Suddenly more awake and alert, she shifted nervously in bed.

I kept my cool.

"Sweetheart, you don't need to starve yourself. Eat whatever you want. This is your home now too. So don't worry about bills or money or food like you used to. 'Kay?" I reached for her chin, tipping it up to face me.

She nodded slightly. "'Kay." I know later when she's more awake she'll try to persuade me to let her help pay for our expenses. Which I will refuse of course.

We kissed and finished eating our dinner. I put on an old comedy movie, laying back against the headboard and holding her tight to my side. I hadn't realized she'd fallen asleep almost immediately after the credits started.

I tossed the empty box on the floor, pulling the covers down and tucking her under them. I curled her in to my body, molding hers to fit perfectly against mine. Her round ass pressed against my front and her head resting on my arm. My free hand holding hers and we slept that way all night. It was the first time in a long time I didn't have a nightmare.

I woke up first, my internal clock telling me I needed to get ready for work. Evie was still fast asleep, curled up and pressed to my side like she couldn't bear to be away from me even in her dreams. It was touching, even though I'm still trying to get her to admit her feelings, her actions speak louder than her words. And I'll accept that for now.

I gently removed her arm from around my waist, she turned over on her own, dragging the sheets away with her. I reached down to press a soft kiss to her shoulder.

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