Chapter 19 - Eirik

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I hugged Einar before returning downstairs. I thought he seemed happy, and I was excited about all the possibilities for us being best friends again. When I arrived, Uncle Anders and grandpa were carrying the steaks inside.

With six people eating, we pulled the table away from the wall. Behind, Einar and I sat on the wooden bench against the wall. Mom sat in dad's normal seat while grandma and grandpa were sitting where she and I normally sit. That left the chair opposite mom, where Einar usually sat, to Uncle Anders.

Everyone was supposed to grab their own steak, so I picked out one for me and one for Einar. I added mashed potatoes, pan seared mushrooms, and green beans to his plate. Knowing he loves A1 sauce, I pushed the bottle near his plate.

It's not that I think A1 is bad, I just think steak is enough without it. When we were younger, we once stayed at our teammates' house overnight to be taken to a tournament game. Their parents cooked steak for breakfast, saying we needed a great meal before a tournament game. It was the first and only time I've ever had steak for breakfast.

They also used A1 and told us we should try it ourselves. I liked the taste, but Einar loved it. He won't eat a steak now without it.

Uncle Anders saw the bottle and begged him to try the steak first before deciding to use the A1. Dad always hated that Einar used A1 and cursed our teammates' parents for giving it to us back then. The funny thing is, that teammate wasn't even our friend.

It seemed like they just picked the family they liked the most. Maybe it was because they were Norwegian like dad. We played further away back then, so we've never been on the same team again.

I once went through a phase of eating steak with soy sauce. I don't remember which friend's grandma told me they eat it with soy sauce, but I tried it and liked it for a while. Dad put a stop to that after a few times. He would only harass us, but I gave up on it while Einar never changed.

Sometimes I wonder if he would intentionally antagonize dad. I realize he can't change being gay, but there were other things he did which pissed dad off too. But he didn't stop them either.

Einar agreed and decided the steak was great on its own. Who knows if he actually felt that way, or is just appeasing Uncle Anders? These were better steaks than dad bought for Einar and me, though. Since he didn't like us using sauces, dad always said he wouldn't waste a good steak on us. He always bought him and mom T-Bone steaks, but bought the cheapest steaks he could for Einar and me.

Uncle Anders said these were porterhouse steaks. It was so good. Dad only ever used salt and pepper when making his steaks, but it felt like there were more flavors here.

There was so much food to eat, but I loved dinner. Uncle Anders makes his mashed potatoes with the skins in there. I'm not a fan of that, but I still ate it all so as not to upset him.

After eating, we all sat in the family room and watched the Red Wings. None of us are boisterous fans. We all just sat there and watched, mostly in silence. Occasionally, if there was a mistake by one of our players, Einar would get angry and rant. Other times, he would comment that they should fire a player if they make a mistake.

He is still so passionate about hockey when he doesn't play anymore. It's funny, but he could never be a coach. He would fire everyone before the season ended. It made me laugh.

In bed that night, I wondered what Einar was thinking as he lay in his bed while the television played in the background. He was still wearing the neck collar and didn't look comfortable. Maybe after this week, he is used to it.

The next morning, Uncle Anders wanted to take us to brunch. Walking inside, I felt people looking at Einar. Some spoke softly to their family or friends, and I figured they were guessing what was wrong with Einar.

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