Chapter 33 - Eirik

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After sitting in waiting rooms all day, the last thing I wanted was to sit in a movie theater for a couple hours, but I didn't tell mom that. But now I was home and laying in bed eager for Christmas coming up soon.

As I wondered what I would get, Noah called and wanted to talk about his day. He wanted to talk about his meeting with Dr. Irlova. We talked for an hour before I saw Einar was already asleep next to me. He turned over in bed to face me, and I felt terrible.

As I laid there in bed, I thought about all Noah told me. He talked about everything the Coach did to him. It was hard to hear, but I wanted him to know I was there to support him. He wanted to know if Einar told me about his experiences yet, and I admitted he hadn't. I didn't tell either of them, but I wasn't sure I could handle it.

I heard some whimpers from Einar in his sleep and wondered if I should wake him up. I looked online and the sites say to let him be since waking someone from dream sleep can mess up their sleep routine and make it harder for them to fall back asleep.

I felt terrible hearing him like that, so I went downstairs. Mom was finishing cooking dinner, so she sent me to wake him up. Back upstairs, calling his name, he didn't react. When I shook him, he jumped, twisting in bed to look at me. Fright covered his face, and he was covered in sweat. His reaction startled me and I jumped back slightly.

After we both relaxed, he followed me downstairs. Mom talked to us about Christmas approaching and asked if we were excited for santa to come. We both nodded, even though we know she and dad were santa. She always writes in block letters on the presents. She also uses block letters when filling out professional documents. They are the same.

I wondered if they already bought the gifts or if we would have less since dad was gone. Dad took us shopping two months ago to shop for mom. I'm glad he did it so early this year because otherwise we might have nothing for her.

"What are we going to do this year?" I asked mom.

"We will visit my parents on Christmas Day. And, maybe we will see a movie on Christmas Eve. Is there a movie you would like to see?"

I suggested a new comedy while Einar wanted to see a musical. "We'll see them both," mom said.

I wasn't eager to see a musical, but I would for Einar. "Ok."

After dinner, we watched Christmas movies late into the night. The next morning, mom woke us for Christmas mass. We showered and dressed in our suits. While dad made us wear a tie, mom let us leave them behind.

As we left the neighborhood, I noticed we turned in a different direction. "Aren't we going to church?"

"Yes, we're going to a new church a friend told me about. They are more accepting of all people, so you will like it better. They preach love and acceptance of all people."

"What about Grandma's church?" Einar asked.

"It's a good church, but I think this one will be better for both of you. You will have a friend there and may have an easier time accepting your new religion with him there."

"But we're Catholic," I said.

"Your father was Catholic. Even though he only went for Christmas and Easter, I agreed to let you both be Catholic like him. But he is no longer in charge of your spiritual journey. You're Lutheran now. It's all the same God."

I wasn't so sure about that. "Isn't the equivalent, Apostolic?"

Mom shook her head. "They're all Christian religions. And now you won't have to finish catechism."

I wanted to throw my arms up in celebration, but my suit jacket prevented it. "Thank God."

Mom looked in the rearview mirror at me. "Watch it."

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