She slowly turns around to face me and she was shocked, Alfred lowers his head in shame.


I let the flowers fall to the floor and make my way further into the room "Leave and never return. I am sparing your life because of the fact that you are important to my kids"

He goes down on his knees "Don please don't kick me out,I have no idea what got over me. Fuck I am so sorry, do your worst to me but don't kick me out"

I smirk staring down at him "Do my worst?"

He nods "Yes don"

I shrug "Okay" and with that I bring out my gun and shot him directly on his head.

"Alfred!!!" Crystal screams trying to run over to his dead body.

I yank her back and shove her body to the ground "Your lover is dead, do you wish to join him in the after life?"

"H-how could you kill him? he has been devoted to you all this time,it was just a kiss. You shouldn't have killed him, you shouldn't h-have" her voice broke in the end as a cry ripped out of her.

I look at martakis who stood in the doorway "Take him out and burn his body, someone like him doesn't deserve a funeral"

He bowed "Okay don"

He was carried out of the room and Crystal silently weep on the floor,I kneel in front of her and lift her chin up.

"I trusted you Crystal, I chose to believe you over Matthew. He informed me about his suspicion about you and Alfred, but I was blinded by the trust I had for the both of you and did not believe him. Now I realize how foolish I was to believe the both of you"

"I am sorry Ivan, I don't know what got over me. You are the one I love, please Alfred meant nothing to me. Please don't lose your trust in me, I won't hurt you anymore! please Ivan, I am so fucking sorry" she cried out.

I snort out a laugh rising up to my feet "Sorry?I should have known that you were not going to ever forgive me for the shit I did to you in the past. You didn't have to make a fool out of me, you say you love me?how can you love me and kiss another that way!!!!"


I shake my head taking a step from her "Let's continue being parent to drystan and Yulia,I want nothing to do with you anymore"

I was about to leave the room when she hugs me from behind "I am sorry,Ivan please don't do this to me. I know I messed up but please don't push me away,I am so sorry"

I free her grip around my waist and push her away and she stumbles back. I walk away from the room and willed myself not to cry,she isn't worth your tears Ivan.

I go over to Yulia's room and she was sat on the floor with her brother playing with their toys. Matthew rose up seeing me and a broad smile made it way to his face.

"Daddy!!" They both screamed seeing me and run over to me with their tiny legs.

I squat down to their height"I got you guys the chocolate's I promised"

"Yay!!" Drystan squeals happily.

"Disneyland" Yulia pout.

I chuckled softly "We will depart soon"

"Yay!!" They squealed happily.

After finding an excuse to leave,I make my way into my room and took a shower. With the towel secured around my waist,I look at the box in my hand,I couldn't bring myself to throw it away so I tuck it into my drawer.

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