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It has been a week since Ivan and I went out on our date, but I haven't seen much of him for the past few days. He has been pretty busy with work and everyone around me seems to know that something is going on, but Ivan chooses to keep me in the dark.

I put on my jacket and pull my hair into a high ponytail before grabbing my purse. I step out from my room and I suck in a deep breath seeing Alfred outside my room door, it reminds me of the times he used to guard me.

"Don ordered me to escort you"

I rolled my eyes "It's just lunch with an old friend, why do you have to follow me?"

"I am just following orders ma"

"Your work is to protect my son, tell your boss I am more than capable of taking care of myself"


I cut him off "I have to go, I am going to take one of your don car"

I walk away from him without another word, and on my way out I saw Amelia walking into the kitchen. I was greeted by the guards outside and I head to the garage and grab a key before getting into one of the car. I drive out and after about 45 minutes, I got to the restaurant.

"Crystal!!!" Lauren and Mila squeals seeing me.

I hug them both, and we walk quietly into the restaurant. It was quiet and peaceful, with only about four other people, we take a sit at the far end of restaurant.

"I know we're the last people you want to see and you must have been surprised by my call, but we really wanted to see you" Mila was the first to speak.

Lauren sighs "Crystal, your mother is completely innocent in what happened to you, she is depressed and is getting worst everyday. Your Dad is trying to talk to her but she refuses to listen, she keeps calling out your name. Your mom needs you Crystal, please you have to have a word with her or she might lose her life"

I look away with tears in my eyes "What do you want me to say for crying out loud! That family has done me nothing but harm. What more do you guys want from me? Do you fucking want to see me dead for you all to finally be at peace?! My life is a mess already, it has always been a mess. I feel sorry for mom for being stuck with a man like Nathan Crest, but I really can't return to new York"

"New York is still your home" Mila said.

"Home? My home is where my kids are! My home is where Ivan is, so you can't just barge out of nowhere and ask me to come back home because of Erica Philips, they are the reason why I am here in the first place!!"

"Stop being so selfish!!!" Mila screamed.

I stare at her in disbelief "I am being selfish? Are you fucking kidding me? I almost lost my life, I was raped!! All this so your son can escape, is my life worth nothing to you guys!!! I am so fucking tired, I need a goddamn break" I spoke while crying.

Lauren stares at me "I am sorry Crystal, Mila was out of line. I'm not going to force you into anything, our family has done nothing but harm towards you, we are sorry. Whenever you are ready to face us, be it months, years. We will be waiting for your forgiveness, I hope you live a good life with Ivan and be happy with your kids, you deserve happiness crystal"

I sniffed grabbing my purse "I don't know how long it will take to fully open up to you all, but please take care of mom and tell her I forgive her. I am simply not ready to face her yet, promise me that nothing will happen to her Lauren"

She smiles "I promise"

Mila gulps "C-c-crystal, I di..."

I cut her off by standing up "Save it"

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