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With a deep sigh I slowly drag my luggage's out of the room and I stare at Yusuf who stares at the luggage's in my hands.

"Where are you going ma?"

"You no longer have to call me ma, I am no longer your don woman. We are all the same Yusuf"

He shakes his head "I can't ma"

I sighed "You are the only one I can trust right now, I want you to take care of Nadia for me. I need to work things out then I will bring her back with me"

"Where are you going?how long will you be gone?"

"My hometown,San Bernardino. I don't know when I will be back, promise me that you will take good care of Nadia in my absence"

"I promise you ma"

I smiled softly "Thank you, without you I wouldn't have come this far"

"You don't have to thank me ma"

I pat his shoulder "So long my friend"

The flight lands in Los Angeles after a 15 hours,40 minutes plane ride. I have never been so tired in my entire life. I book an hotel to stay in because I was really exhausted.

I dial Cole number and he picks on the first ring "Hey Cole"

"Kathy, I did not expect your call"

I chuckled "I am currently in Los Angeles, and I will head home to San Bernardino tomorrow"

"Wow really? Chloe and I are coming soon, Bianca death anniversary is in three days"

"Oh, I will be there" I said softly.

"Are you okay Kathy? aren't you supposed to be with Egor in Persia?"

I chuckled dryly "It's a long story and I will explain it to you when we meet"

"Okay. I am so excited to meet Nadia, I get to see your daughter after so Long"

"Sadly she is in Persia,I did not bring her along. You will get to see her in the future, she is a big girl now"

He chuckles "I will bring my kids too,I want them to Meet Their aunt Kathy"

I grinned "Little Chloe and Cole,they must be so cute"

"They sure are. I got to go now, I have a meeting in twenty minutes"

"Okay Cole, see you around bud"

"Sure, when you get to San Bernardino give me a call"

"I will" I said hanging up.

With a deep sigh, I slump down on the bed and shut my eyes tightly.

The following morning, I took a train to San Bernardino and a cab to my uncle's house. I suck in a deep breath as I drag my luggage's to the front door and knock on the door. Soon he opens it and he stares at me with his mouth gape open.

"Uncle max"

He pulls me into a tight hug and I could feel tears building up in my eyes, being back home feels so good.

He break the hug "Look at you, you have gotten thinner. What the hell happened to you? and where is your daughter?"

"Let's talk inside"

He chuckles "Silly me, come on in Katherine"

He takes my luggage's and took it upstairs,I sighed taking a sit on the couch. I look around the living room and my pictures is still in it usual place he did not change a thing.

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