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Striding into my office, I strengthen my collar before pushing the conference door opened. All the men in the room immediately stood up, and I took a sit before gesturing for them to sit.

"What is this rumour going on around town, huh?! You all present here know I hate gossip the most"

Martakis spoke "Don, we can't stop them"

"It's my private life, I will not let anyone speak of it"

Marcos one of the men in the meeting sighed "How about you remarry? That way the rumors will subside"

I laughed "And who are you to decide for me?"

"I am so sorry Don"

"Take him out and deal with him"

His eyes widened "Don I am sorry"

They dragged him out of the room and I ignored his pleadings.

"I will not remarry, I am perfectly fine being a single dad to drystan. So the next time any one of you fuckers choose to gossip about me, you best consider your family lives. Dismiss"

They all walk out of the conference room in silence, except martakis who stayed behind.

"What do you want to say?" I ask him as I pour a shot of whiskey.

"With all due respect sir. Am I allowed to speak freely?"

I gulp down the shot "Go ahead"

"What Marcos said earlier wasn't so bad, you are the Don and a don needs a queen. If you are not accustomed with the idea of remarrying,then how about you get ma Crystal back? you know where she is"

I scoofed "Just because you are married to my sister doesn't mean I can't shoot you dead for poke nosing in my business"

"Try to consider my words. Don't you think that leaving her out there with your daughter is dangerous?you have enemies everywhere don"

"She is perfectly safe in Netherland,I have men watching over her and my daughter"

He sighs "You need her. You have not been yourself since she left you four years ago, and I know you still love her"

"What do you know about the love I have for her?you need to know your place in this house martakis,I am still your don."

"Forgive me don,I am deeply sorry"

I shake my head "Take care of things here,I need to go to the mall to get a gift for drystan"

He nods and I walk out of the room, and out of the building. Kostas opens The car door for me and I step in.

"Where to?" He asks.


Drystan is five years today and also the day Alina died. He keeps on asking about his mom and I think today is the right time to take him to visit Alina. After all he has the right to know who his mother really is.

"Don" Kostas said snapping me out from my thoughts.


"We are here"

I nodded stepping down from the car and put on my glasses,to avoid peering Eyes. I soon got into the mall and head into kids wards. The first gift contains kitchen sets for kids,he longs to have it and the final present is kids boxing set,the sooner he starts training the better.

"That much?" Kostas snickered.

I shrug "It's his five years old birthday today, so I have to spoil him"

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