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I zoomed out on the maids who neatly folds my clothes into the luggage's.  I know I am going to regret agreeing to his request, but I know deep down it's all for the best.

"Good morning ma"

I smiled "You are here early"

"It's almost eleven am ma"

My eyes widened "Shit, guess I really zoomed out. I forgot to feed the kids"

"I took care of it"

"You mean to say drystan and Aleksander are still here?"

He nods and I waste no time in running out of the room, I soon got to Yulia bedroom.

"Hey kids"

They all ran to hug me, my heart warms in happiness and I ruffle their hair.

"Dad said you are dropping me at home" drystan spoke cutely.

I squat in front of him "Not only that, Yulia and I are moving in"

He squeals "I will have a playmate now!"

Yulia tilts her head "Really mommy?"


I carry Aleksander in my arms "Do you miss your mom and dad?"

"Yes I miss them alot but they promised to buy me lots of chocolate"

I caress his face "You excited?"


We all step out of the penthouse few hours later, Aleksander was fast asleep in my arms while drystan and Yulia were held by Matthew.


I grin "Kostas!"

"Missed me much ma?"

I giggled "I am just surprised that you are still working for Ivan, devoted much?"

"I can't find a more better boss than him,he pays me well"

"Well that's nice,shall we?"

The luggage's were loaded in the boot, Matthew sits in the passenger seat. While the rest of us sits at the back, the car drives off and I notice a van in front of us and one at the back.

"Your don shouldn't have brought that amount of security"

"It's necessary ma, your safety matters a lot to don"Matthew says.

I roll my eyes "I don't need him to care for me"

"Who is a don?" Yulia asks.

"When adults are talking, you shouldn't speak"

She pouts "Okay mom"

"Ma Crystal, when don told me to come pick you and the kids up,I was shocked. I am glad you are back,we all have missed you" kostas said.

I run my fingers through Aleksander hair as he sleeps "Your don messed up years ago"

"I know ma, but please give him another chance to make things right"

I lean my back on the seat"No"

He sighs "I am sorry ma, but please think about it"

I don't bother responding and the rest of the ride to the mansion was in silence. I could feel my chest squeeze in pain as the car pulls into the driveway, a tear slip from my eyes remembering the last time I was here.

I understand, have a nice and happy life.

I couldn't stop the tears that slips from my eyes when I remembered his last words to me as we departed. I don't want to relish on those memories, but I just can't help it.

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