Chapter 65

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A/N: Before I head into this chapter, I just want to say you'll see a side of Jez that may upset you! I can promise that this is probably the worst of it and that you'll be seeing Jez grow out of her current stump from now on :)

--- Cherry POV ---

The squeals from mine and Jez's friends, who I had called earlier, in the designated VIP section above the dancefloor was possibly ear drum shattering. Jez shrieked, nearly stumbling over the top stop as she bounded across the room and into the group of females who had rose with their arms out.

Crystal, a Selkie from the icy territory of Glacies from Atlantis, was the one Jez collided with first. Her silver hair was dangerously straight, abusing the straighteners in the city to get it like that. Her eyes were a scary bright blue, near penetrating, and her dress left little to the imagination. It was a thin violet mesh dress that sat atop her bra and underwear.

Cry's hand pressed against Jez's back, squarely in the middle and my best friend faltered before gently pushing her away. She quickly turned to Alra, a gorgeous grass nymph, whose hair was similar in colour and style to jagged grass that hadn't been maintained for a while. Her skin was a lighter colour of green, and wore a baggy pair of trousers and a brightly coloured crop top.

Alra, who was normally one to not entertain physical intimacy, pulled Jez in for hug, her arms wrapping around my best friend's neck. She had always been careful, known when a button had been pushed – perhaps it was her oneness with the planet as nymph.

Alra murmured into Jez's ear before pushing her towards the beautifully feathered winged twins, Maiky and Khaler. They were Adarnas from the rainforests of Senippili, their gorgeous wings were multicoloured that shimmered and changed colour depending on the lighting. They only thing that differentiated them were their crystals that helped in healing, but also turning those in their path into stone. Maiky had red crystals peppered around her collar bone, while Khaler had green ones up and down her arms in an intricate design.

They both pressed kisses against Jez's cheeks before waving over Ori who had followed after me. She gracefully moved across the floor, greeting the females. However, all of our friends were quickly distracted by the fae who had finally reached the top. All four females checking out the winged males with intensity before absolutely falling head over heels for Mor.

I scanned the floor, it was still relatively quiet, especially as the doors had just opened. The booths were ready for the luxurious guests who were coming today, as they normally did, but I wanted to double check the list before we all got settled in.

Rumours were floating about a potential male taking over The Pits downtown, ones that I hadn't voiced to Jez or Ori yet until they had settled in.

The little pit dwellers called him Master Uru, but my spies had said it was a Being from back in the day, from the Dusk Court Battle.

My gaze landed on the VIP bar where Honeph, my angel spy with pink wings and the section's bartender, had wandered back into the room. He looked surprised by the chaos ensuing until he saw Jez, who had also seen him and given him a soft wave. He reciprocated with a dazzling smile.

"Where do we go?" Mor asked.

"Go to our VIP table," I told her, nodding towards the booth with my friends. "I just need to chat to Honeph really quickly about tonight."

Mor and Cassian moved towards the table, Jez and Ori stepping aside and introducing them. Azriel lingered by my side, his shadows tickling my bare arm and his wings kept taut behind him. I looked up at him, still seeing that golden string between my best friend and the male that hadn't been solidified, unlike Cassian's. Gods, his was tightly wrapped around his wrist.

A Court of Shadows and Lies / ACOTAR FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora