Chapter 54

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--- Jez POV ---

It had been a week since arriving home and I hadn't seen a single one of the Night Court fae. In all honesty, it may have something to do with the fact that I had been avoiding every single of them. My senses were on high alert, overwhelming since returning and I could've sworn the pink dress Etta wore yesterday had a rose scent to it.

I could smell them pretty well, especially Azriel. While I was magic-less, I hadn't realised the depths to the midnight and cedar scent, but there was. It was oddly comforting, knowing that I could avoid him, and everyone, now. Not a single fae could jump me, and I could also hide from my family. I also had no interest in trying for the sisterly bond.

Except my mother, it seemed.

The estate was bustling tonight, busier than I could ever remember it. The servants, who had been around since I could even remember, were rushing up and down corridors, chasing down the guest fae with drinks and food, sometimes a plethora of clothes, and one night I saw Mathilda, the youngest fae, carrying some of Azriel's clothes for a wash. Each and every one of them would bow deeply towards me. All it took was a nod or a laugh and they'd be back on their merry way.

It was nice, seeing and feeling the warmth radiate off my extended family. As much as I hated having guests, I could feel their joy to have a group of visitors who weren't my sisters or my mother. They were especially nice to me, even telling me where to avoid because the fae had been exploring the area only a few minutes earlier.

Even at two in the morning, Cel had managed to regulate her control on the day-night cycle to her dismay, the house was lively. I wasn't sure if that was the reason why I couldn't sleep, or if it was the odd feeling in my chest of completion that hadn't left. Regardless, I was walking around the castle aimlessly.

Chel, a female fae with glasses, scurried past me with two bottles of Cherry's wine. The servant was the youngest and newest hire of the palace, and had only joined us five hundred years ago. She stumbled to a stop and clumsily bowed forward. "My lady," she murmured, out of breath.

"Who are they for, Chel?" I asked taking a step towards her. She straightened, her hand reaching up to the bridge of her glasses and pushing them up.

"The High Lord and Lady had requested for some wine," Chel explained.

"There's never a need to be in such a rush for guests," I told her, straightening her dress and tucking a stray strand of her green hair behind her ear. "I'm sure they can wait."

"My lady," she said quickly, "it's been so long and I'm just excited that we're serving others who aren't your sisters." She paused, her eyes widening. "Not that I'm not grateful to serve you."

I blinked, confused at her willingness to be here. "May I ask you a question?"

"Yes, my Lady."

"Why do you enjoy being here, working in our home like you do?"

"My Lady, I owe a great deal to your family – I swapped my life in Prythian for my family's safety during the war."

"Do you not wish to return to them?"

She paused, looking at me thoughtfully. "I do visit them."

"No, I mean, go home and not come back."

"My Lady, I always have a choice," she promised, her eyes gleaming. "May I?"

"Yes, of course, have a lovely evening, Chel," I smiled and watched the female bound down the corridor and turn left. I stared at where she turned for a moment before sighing and shifting my body back to the direction I was walking in, only to pause on the spot.

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