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*A few days later*

  "She isn't answering.." Jisung sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Why are you so worried about the girl. She's probably told you a sob story to make us feel bad for her." Minho claimed, gaining the boys attention.

  "Hyung what even is your problem with her? If she wanted attention she would have made it more obvious." Jisung stood from the couch, getting angry at the older for being insensitive.

  "She does seem quiet and timid. Maybe she's just scared of being in big groups." Jeongin shrugged, shoving another slice of pizza into his mouth.

  "If something was wrong she'd text you, let's trust that she is alright." Bangchan hinted, pulling the brunette to sit back down.

Jiwoo please text me

I'm worried something happened

He didn't hurt you more did he?

Please answer

  He sighed, shoving the phone in his back pocket.

  Minho rolled his eyes, walking up to his room with a door slam. Locking it behind him he decided he was finally going to unpack his room. He set up his desk and computer, putting up a few band posters.

  That was until his eyes moved to the window across his. Seeing the girl laid out on the floor, seemingly sleeping.

  Why doesn't she sleep in her bed? That's weird.

*Time skip*
  Two days later

  "Have you heard from her yet?" Bangchan questioned, getting a head shake from the younger.

  The two had both been texting Jisungs old phone, getting no response from the girl.

  "Go check her window and see if you can see her." He instructed, fearing something he didn't want to believe. The brunette wasted no time to run up to his room, opening his window and hopping over to her roof.

  He immediately noticed her sleeping in her bed. She looked extremely pale, the t-shirt she wore showing tons of bruises and cuts all over her arms.

  He tried pulling the window open to no avail, loudly knocking on it to try and wake her up: but still nothing.

  "Shit.." he ran back, bolting through the house to see the roommates in the livingroom. "She won't wake up and her window won't open." He spoke in panic as Bangchan sprung to his feet, running upstairs with the boy.

  Once they made it onto the roof the older looked around the front, nodding his head. "Her dads not here."

  He took a good look at the girl as Jisung paced back and forth, worried to death. After a few hard knocks on the window the other two boys appeared, confused as to what's happening.

  "Felix go get my crowbar, now." The older instructed, attempting to pull on the window without avail.

  When he came back Bangchan got right to work, prying it into the window and successfully breaking the lock. He pulled it open, jumping straight into the room.

  He moved closer, placing a finger on the side of her neck and nodding. "She's got a pulse and she's breathing. Let's get her over to the house."

  He carefully picked her up, passing her off to Jisung who wasted no time to get her inside. The older looked around the empty room, grabbing the broken phone from the floor with a sigh.

  He walked to the door and attempted to open it, just to find it locked.

  "He locked her in here.." he spoke aloud before turning back and climbing out of the window.

  "What's going on?" Minho demanded with his arms crossed. Felix and Bangchan shared a glance before he sighed. "I'll explain when we get back inside, come on."

  Meeting back in the livingroom they found the boy in tears, still trying to get her to wake up.

  "S-should we t-take her to the hospital?" He stuttered, looking up at the older with teary eyes.

  "No, they will inform her father right away. I'll get Seonghwa to get over here and check on her." He informed the boy, pulling out his phone to call his friend that was in school for nursing.

  Minhos eyes trailed the bruises and cuts all over her, noticing the one on her face as well. He sat next to Jisung, pulling him in for a hug.

  "I don't know what's going on but.. I'm sure she will be just fine. Don't freak out too much." He assured, comforting the boy.

  Minho may have been rough around the edges, however when it came to the other boys, he just couldn't help but have a soft spot for them. Seeing Jisung as upset as he was, he began to feel bad for treating the girl so poorly.

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