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Good morning!

Morning sung :)

Everything okay? Did
anything happen this

No, I actually just
woke up as he slammed
the door leaving for

That's good. Don't forget chan only agreed to let you go back if you come back here while he's gone.

I remember, I'll be over after I shower.

The boys all crashed here just so you're aware.

Okay, see you in a bit.

I huffed, grabbing the hoodie Jisung let me borrow along with a clean pair of leggings. Hauling off to my father's bathroom I prepared the shower, staring at the clean razor I grabbed.

Memories of tearing up my skin flooded my head, fogging any other thoughts. I brushed it off, taking the bandage off of my torso and stepping into the water.

I hissed as the hot water made contact with my skin, taking the time to get used to it. Once I was almost finished in the shower, the razor caught my attention once again. I looked at my arm decorated with white lines, lining the razor back up to my skin.


I locked the door behind me, taking a large breath before walking over to the next door and knocking.

A smiley and hyper Felix answered the door, waving me in. "Did you sleep okay?"

"I did, how about you lix?"

His smile grew even bigger hearing the nickname. "I could have slept better, Changbin hyung hogged my bed more than I'd like. But it's okay because I stole his coffee!"

I lightly giggled. "I see that. Is everyone else still sleeping? Where's Jisung?" I frowned, not seeing anyone in the livingroom.

"Jisung, Chan and Jeongin are awake but they all had to go put shirts on. Hyunjin always turns up the heat whenever he sleeps here. He claims he can't sleep if he's even slightly cold." The freckled boy spoke a mile a minute, running to his favorite spot on the couch and patting the seat next to him.

"I'm here, sorry." Jisung nervously laughed, scratching the nape of his neck. I smiled and waved to him, chuckling at the sight of his messy hair. He puffed his cheeks out for a moment, walking over to make coffee.

He is a literal squirrel.

"Good morning Jiwoo Noona!" Jeongin greeted, his curls also in a mess.

"J-just treat me as we are the same age.. noona sounds.. weird." I nervously spoke with a laugh, seeing the boys face change.

"Come on maknae, she said treat her the same age. Let's hear it yeah?" Bangchan walked into the room, seemingly amused. A sleepy Changbin followed him, rubbing his eyes. "What's happening?"

"Jiwoo gave Jeongin a free pass to treat her the same age." Jisung informed with excitement.

I frowned, looking at Bangchan and Jisung in confusion. "Why is it such a big deal?"

Jisung handed me a cup of coffee, taking a seat on the other side of me. "Jeongin doesn't have a problem talking informally to us, but when it comes to anyone else it's very different."

Ohhhhh so they are teasing him. That makes sense.

Minho walked into the room, his hair slightly damp from a shower. He went straight to the coffee pot, surprisingly walking over and taking a seat on the other couch. He pulled out his phone, ignoring everyone as he sipped his coffee.

He wore a simple white t-shirt with black sweats, making it slightly hard to not look at him. He was extremely attractive, but it was sad to know he was such an ass hole.

"Good morning Jiwoo!" Hyunjin greeted, running a hand through his shaggy black hair. I greeted him back, "Good morning Hyunjin."

"Seungmin is the only one still sleeping? Isn't he usually the first one awake?" Felix frowned, looking down the hall. "Who's room did he sleep in?"

Chan raised his hand as he cleared his throat. "Seungmin stayed up pretty late on his phone. I asked him what he was doing and he just said nothing and pulled the blankets over him."

"That's weird for him." Hyunjin claimed. Changbin agreed, looking in the fridge. "Hey, where did my coffee go?"

I looked over to felix, who looked up to Changbin with a nervous smile. "A racoon?"



Felix jumped over the couch and ran down the hall, failing to dodge the older and getting pulled into a head lock. I couldn't help but giggle, gaining a few smiles my way.

"Yah I'll buy you more! Stoppp it hyungggg!!" He flailed, clearly not being hurt in anyway. Changbin scoffed, messing up his hair before letting go of him. "You better. Now I have to drink this crap."

"Yah my coffee isn't crap!" Jisung sprung up from the couch, just to run the opposite way when Changbin moved his way. "You are just picky and want your rich boy coffee!"

The boy just shrugged, not denying Jisungs claim. He grabbed his keys, slipping his shoes on. "I'm going to go buy more, anyone need anything or want to join?"

"I do! I do! I do!" Felix cheered, causing the other to groan. "Alright hurry up then."

"I'll go too. Do you want anything Jiwoo?" Jeongin spoke confidently, making it impossible for his friends to tease him. I smiled back at him, mustering the ability to speak aloud with everyone's attention.

"M-may I come along?"

"Of course!" The younger smiled brightly.

"Would you like me to go?" Jisung whispered as I shook my head, using his shoulder to help me stand. "I'll be okay, thank you sungie."

I got my shoes on and tried my best to calm my anxiety filled body, slightly jumping as Felix placed a hand on my shoulder. He gave a reassuring smile, giving a thumbs up to Jisung as he guided me out the door.

We got into the back of Changbins black SUV, as Jeongin sat in the passenger seat. Though I was anxious, I was happy to get out of the house.

The drive didn't take long at all, as we pulled up to the store. Felix helped me out, not leaving my side as we walked in.

  He sees my anxiousness..

Many people rushed around with carts full of food, causing my body to tense. It was a lot of people, giving me such an alarming and confusing feeling running though my body.

"You okay?" Felix asked in a low tone, letting the other two walk ahead. I nodded, grabbing onto his sleeve. "It's been a while since I've been in a crowd.."

Understanding the situation he moved my hand to wrap around his arm instead of his sleeve, pulling me along.

  "Jiwoo and I are going to the snack Isle!" He informed the other two, guiding me through the crowd and into a more empty isle, that just so happened to have tons of chips and snack-like foods.

  "Pick something out for yourself. Grab anything that sounds good."

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