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We all arrived back home. The absence of Changbin and Minho was heavily felt. The tv echoed in the background as everyone picked at their plates.

"I know no one feels like it.. but you all still have to eat. Minho will be okay. He always gets through it." Bangchan sighed.

"Is this really.. how it was for you guys back then? Almost g-getting killed all t-the time?" Jeongin stuttered, hardly looking up. The boy wasn't doing so well, not having said a word until now.

Bangchan wasn't acting normal either. He was quiet, seemingly stuck in thought.

"Not at all.. we used to be really good at planning things through and staying out of hospitals. That was until Minho.. you know." He sniffled. I got out of my seat and went behind him, hugging him and resting my head on his shoulder.

He leaned into my arms, placing his hands over mine. "I just wish we could live normally.. maybe we can once Binnie and Minho are better."

I nodded with a small hum. "Yeah.. let's do whatever it takes so we can all live normally."

I wanted to be there for the boys. Though I was a mess too, Minho was so much more to these boys. An older brother, a best friend, a mentor. He was irreplaceable...to all of us.

I wanted to cry and scream.. but that's not what they needed right now. The doctor said he was alright.. so we need to be okay too.

"Jiwoo, are you sure you are okay? After that man took you away-"

"I'm okay.. I was quickly brought to Changbin... I wasn't hurt at all." I cut Seungmin off.

"So it was a bait situation, right?" Hyunjin spoke up.

I sighed and nodded with Bangchan. "When Hanbin saw us at the mall he must've come up with the idea."

"No, I think Hanbin had been watching Minho for a few days before that. Minho said himself there is no other way he'd have been there."

"Hyung, are we really safe? Is it okay to be back home?" Felix's voice cracked.

He took a deep breath, nodding his head as he pushed his plate away. "Hanbin was taken by the police and Minho is in the hospital... We should be just fine." He assured.

We all looked over to the crying Jisung, his eyes straight down to his lap. I backed away from Chan and pulled Jisung to stand up, hugging him as tightly as I could.

   Bangchan got up as well and wrapped his arms around both of us, light sniffles coming from him. "I'm so sorry you guys all g-got dragged into this."

  Felix jumped up and threw himself on Bangchans back. "It's n-not your fault, hyung. It's not anyone's fault."

  The others slowly got up and joined the hug one by one, everyone shedding a few tears.

  It was a hard night. No one was able to sleep well, no one ate well, everyone was miserable.

  Jisung, Felix and I would stay with each other for the few nights to come and all fell asleep in Jisungs room. Sometimes the twins shared Jisungs bed, sometimes Felix would fall asleep cuddling with me on my mattress, and sometimes we'd even all pass out huddled on either bed.

*Four days later*

     The boys had all gone back to the hospital to visit the two since, however Minho was in a coma. They have all went to his room to see him, but I couldn't bring myself too. I was doing so good keeping it together.. I'm afraid of what will happen if I see him in such a state.

  I sat in the hospital room with Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin as we all ate dinner. Everyone else was at home, Bangchan saying we could all take turns spending the day with Changbin until he was discharged tomorrow.

  The night came by as we bid goodnight to the boy, walking out of the hospital to drive home.

  Once we arrived home I felt extremely tired, dismissing myself from the others to shower. Afterwards, I had snuck into Jisung and I's room, sitting down with a huff.

  I reached over to my sketchpad. As I flipped through the pages, I stopped on one in particular, feeling a tug at my heart.

  The date read March 25, 2017. The sketch I did the same night Jisung and I met and talked. It was a picture of a squirrel bouncing from tree to tree, happy as can be. It was how Jisung first came off to me.

I flipped to the next page, smiling as I scanned the picture. It was a realistic and beautiful ocean view with a squirrel and chick sitting on the beach. I had drew the ocean in front of Jisung and felix as they made a joke about being those two animals, and when I had shown them the finished drawing we all had a really good laugh.

The next picture was what got me.

A portrait. A detailed and time consuming portrait of none other than Minho himself. I spent a few nights on it after he visited me in the hospital.

My eyes started to water and a lump formed in my throat.

Not now.. your stronger than this..

I flipped to the next page, seeing the drawing I did the morning after our date. An outline of a girl and a guy standing underneath an umbrella, the guy holding it over the soaked girl.

I closed the book and threw it back onto my small dresser. I dried my eyes, feeling myself zone out. Everything stopped while my thoughts raced around my head like a herd of animals.

Finally I flopped over, curling my legs into my chest and closing my tired eyes.

I don't know how much longer I can do this... Mom... Please help him come back to us..

Our cursed fate ||L.MHWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt