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(tw- overdose and abuse)

"Mom?" I looked around the house, not finding her anywhere. Finally spotting the cracked bathroom door I smiled, running up to it to scare my mom.

As I pushed open the door my world fell apart. There she was, on the floor, eyes wondering around the room as she faded in and out. "M-mom?" I began to sob, shaking her body. "Mom d-don't leave me!"

The front door slammed, indicating the arrival of my father.

"Ji... woo... mommy's.. sorry.... s-she..." She trailed off, finally focusing her eyes on me. "C-cant d-do it any.. more... I love y-you.. R-run....ba...by..girl.."

I jumped up and ran to the livingroom, grabbing onto his shirt. "Help her! M-mom is... S-she n-needs h-help!"

He scoffed, pushing me off of him and following me to the bathroom. Anger arose in him as he shoved me to the ground, grabbing my mother's hair as her mouth began to foam.

"N-no!!" I kept screaming, covering my ears as the sound of bones breaking poisoned my head.


Huh? Who's there?

"Yah Jiwoo-ssi!"

My eyes opened, Minho sighing as he let go of my shoulders. "Are you okay? You were screaming and crying.."

I brought my hand up to my eyes, feeling my face soaked as he said. Slowly taking in the content of my dream I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

It seemed to be early morning, but he still sat in that chair, eyes wide open. "Did you have a nightmare?"

I couldn't help but tear up once again. The memory of my mother's last moments haunt me and forever will, making it impossible to sleep so easily.

Between nightmares of my parents and now those men.. the restraints.. the pain.. Sleeping through the night was no longer possible without one memory replaying, making sure I don't forget a single moment.

Minho moved to sit on the edge of the bed, pulling me into a hug. I let him do so, resting my head on his shoulder as I continued to cry. He lightly rubbed my back and hummed a small tune.

"I'm here.. whatever you need.." he whispered.

I felt so warm.. and protected...

Unintentionally I snuggled closer to him, burying my face in his neck as the embarrassment hit me. Nonetheless I felt him readjust, his other arm slithering around my waist.

I could feel his breath near my neck, causing my stomach to flip. I tried my best to relax, untensing my body with a deep breath.

Relax, it's just a hug..

"I'm sorry it took so long for me to come see you.. I should have been here for you."

"I-i-its-" his hand moved to the back of my head as I attempted to speak, my voice so hoarse and squeaky. "O-okay." I got out in a whisper.

He slightly pulled away, shocking me as he placed a kiss on my forehead. I'm more than sure my face became as red as a tomato. He grabbed my water and opened it for me, handing it over with a smile.

He isn't making this very easy to ignore my crush on him.

I took a deep breath after a few sips, looking down in nervousness from the lack of distance. "T-thank.... you."

"Don't thank me.. seriously."

I looked up, frowning as he looked out the window. "Back when.. I found you.." he trailed off, looking down.

My eyes widened, remembering I heard from Jisung that he got hit with a ricocheted bullet. I grabbed his hand as he lifted the sleeve, showing the bandage. "It's a lot better and it didn't hurt that much, I'm okay."

I let out a breath, looking at all of the scars I've never noticed. I traced a deep scar on his hand with my finger, going on to trace every single visible one.

"When that man.." he slowly started. "When he pointed his gun at us.... did I scare you?"

I grabbed my notebook, knowing my voice couldn't keep up.

'I was frightened by the gun.. and the knife. But I was thankful you did what you did because we are both safe, as well as Bangchan and Changbin. In the moment I decided to trust you and I was right to. Thank you for saving my life, and staying safe yourself, Minho.'

He smiled, reaching over to tuck some hair behind my ear. I avoided his eyes as much as I could, hearing a light chuckle. "You are important to me. You don't have to thank me."

"You're.. important t-to me.. too." My hoarse voice whispered, picking at my nails.

He pulled me into another hug, letting out a breath. "You are going to get through this, all of the boys and I will be there for you every step of the way. And I'll never let anyone hurt you again.. I promise."


*Three days prior*

"Hey Minho hyung, how's your hand doing?" Wooyoung asked, motioning to the olders arm as he walked in the door. He shrugged. "It's fine. Is everyone alright here?"

"Oh come on! None of us left with a single scratch! Expect nothing less! It's a little late to ask don'cha think?!" San passionately yelled, gasping as he dropped his stuffed animal.

Minho rolled his eyes at the younger. "They still alive?"

Hongjoong nodded. "We never got an order and I heard one of them is the girls Father, soooo we didn't kill them."

"Chan hyung never messaged you about it?"

The blonde shook his head and pressed his lips together.

He let out a hum. "He must have either forgot or not decided. Where are they, I have some questions."

"In the basement. Heres the keys." Seonghwa threw the keys from the livingroom. Catching them with ease, he followed Wooyoung to the basement stairs. "Can I go with you?"

"Yah let him do it alon-"

"No it's fine, I don't mind intimidating them a bit."

"Me too, me too, me too!" San jumped over the couch, joining the two as they closed the door behind them.

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