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(Mentions of Woojin. Keep your opinions to yourself please.)

*Flashback; three years ago*

  "Don't let them see you!" The oldest yelled through the ear piece, watching the interaction from afar with Changbin.

  "Hey! Stop hiding dumbass, we know you are there!!" The man yelled, cocking his gun. Bangchan cursed, pointing his own gun from their hiding spot. Minho looked up to the two, giving them a nod as he stood with his hands up.

  "You caught me." He admitted, standing before the group of seven. He tilted his head, giving a cocky smile. "Well, nice to see you haven't changed one bit, Hanbin hyung."

  "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh? Plan on running to your deathbed like your father?" Hanbin chuckled to himself, nudging one of his buddies in amusement.

  With a scoff the younger poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, crossing his arms. "You say that as if your own father didn't suffer the same fate. You've always been forgetful."

  "Yeah, I guess we really are cousins, aren't we min? So, what's your aim here?"

  "To take out the trash. Is that a problem?" He raised a brow, pulling his gun out and pointing it straight at the olders head.

  With a bit of laughter, Hanbin spun his gun around in his hand, sighing in disappointment. "What happened to you? So low you'd point a gun at the only family you have left?"

  "You aren't family. Blood doesn't mean shit. I've got a real family."

  Hanbins amused expression dropped, once again pointing the gun at Minho. "Enough dragging this on. And don't worry, we will take care of the 'family' you've got hidden around here somewhere too."

  His finger hovered over the trigger as a shot rang through the abandoned building, Hanbin hissed in pain as his gun hit the ground with a rattle.

  Holding onto his hand that now dripped blood, he frantically looked around, cursing as both Minho and the mystery shooter were nowhere in sight.

  "Find them!! They will not leave here alive!!" He screamed in anger as his group split up, a shorter male coming to assist with his leaders wound.

  "Take it eas-"

  "Get off me!" He yanked his arm away, ripping his shirt to tie it around his hand. He stood and looked up to a higher floor, running straight for the stairs.

  Sure enough he found a sniper stand, perfectly aimed at his previous location. He grumbled in anger, running into a small room nearby.

  He was stopped in his tracks with a click of a gun, his expression giving away his shock. Turning around he found another male, twirling a sharp knife between his fingers as he blocked his path.

  Relaxing his body, Hanbin ran a hand through his hair, looking back and forth. "So, which one of you was it? Mr. sniper? I admit it was an impressive shot."

  "It doesn't matter who did it." Bangchan crossed his arms, staying focused on the others actions. "You've crossed the wrong people, shithead." Changbin added, wiping blood off of his precious weapon.

  Hanbin chuckled, leaning against the wall. He crossed his arms, shrugging his shoulders. "I didn't cross anyone. Minho is the one who ruined all of my plans."

  "If you didn't kill my friend, then maybe you wouldn't be in this situation." Minho walked up behind Changbin, passing the younger to grab his cousins collar. "Where is it? Woojins gun."

  He scoffed. "Sold that junk years ago. No one wants a dead man's weapon, that's bad luck."

  He shoved the brunette into the wall, anger filling his bones as his patience ran thin. "I doubt that, tell me where it is unless you want to die right here."

  "As if you actually had it in yo- ah shit!" He cursed as a knife was shoved into his shoulder. The younger scoffed, twisting the hunk of metal. "Don't act like you know me. The kid you know died along with his father years ago."

  The black haired boy shoved Hanbin to the ground, stepping on the shoulder wound as he cried in pain. "Last time I'm asking. Where is his gun."

  "See y-you in hell, Minho-ssi."

  Everyone froze, the sound of the gunshot fading as Hanbin weakly laughed. "Forget I have friends too?"

  Minho stared at the hole in his chest, his wide eyes meeting Bangchans as he fell to his knees.

  "Minho!" Changbin yelled, stopping in his tracks as a gun was placed to his head.

  "Nice job, jay. Now get over here and help me."

*End of flashback*

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