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  "Talk? T-talk about what?"

  "Anything you'd like."

  I looked back at my window, feeling a wave or nervousness wash over me.

  My father was asleep.. he has work tomorrow and doesn't usually bother me before leaving.. there shouldn't be a problem..

"Okay..." I whispered. He motioned me to hop over to his roof, so I grabbed my things as he helped me across with a hand.

We walked back to his window, sitting on the roof right outside of his room. He even grabbed a blanket to lay out and sit on. His room had boxes all over, other than his nicely made bed in front of the window.

"What types of things do you draw?" He asked with a genuine smile, causing me to just melt. He was so sweet for no reason..

"I do portraits.. sometimes animated characters.. sometimes nature.. I little bit of everything. I draw what I see." I spoke looking down at my closed book, too shy to actually show him.

"It's a personal thing so don't feel obligated to show me. Maybe sometime in the future when you are more comfortable with me. Since you don't have school, are you homeschooled?"

I shook my head, avoiding his eyes. He knew something was up with me, that much I had figured out. However I admired that he didn't push about it, and was being very kind to me.

Maybe I should trust him a bit.. I don't have any friends..

"I dropped out.. two years ago. W-when my mom passed away."

His head tilted to try to find my gaze, reaching over to place a hand on mine. I looked up, letting him caress the back of my hand with his thumb.

I blinked back my tears but of course he saw them.

"Would you like a hug?"

"A h-hug?"

He smiled, moving forward and slowly pulling me into his embrace. His arms held me in place as my heart raced, unsure of exactly what to do. I hesitantly hugged him back, trying to relax my body.

  No one has hugged me since my mom..

A few tears escaped my eyes as he rubbed my back, keeping me calm. "I'm here for you. You don't have to tell me everything but just know I'm here to be a shoulder to cry on if you need it."

I pulled away, wiping my eyes with my sleeves. "W-why? Why help a s-stranger?"

He just smiled, stopping my pencil from rolling off the roof. We both chuckled a bit, until he spoke. "You aren't a stranger, we are neighbors now after all."

We continued to talk and get to know each other, leaving out anything about my father or living habits. We quickly became close, feeling like we've known each other for years. We laughed together as Jisung continued to tell me a funny story about his Roommate and best friend, Felix.

"What time is it?" I asked him as he pulled out his phone, looking shocked. "Almost three in the morning. Did you forget your phone inside?"

I avoided his eyes, shaking my head. "I don't have a phone.."

He nodded, crawling into his window and walking over to a box, pulling out a small device as he turned it on. He crawled back out, clicking around on the phone for a solid minute before handing it to me.

"It's my old phone. Why don't you use it in the meantime to be able to text me?"

My eyes widened as I shook my head "n-no I can't possibly and if my dad catches me with it-" I stopped myself with a hand over my mouth.

He whispered. "he hurts you.."

I bit my lip, fighting back the rush of tears and emotions. His hand reached forward, carefully pulling my hoodie down. I sat still as he moved my hair, looking at the giant bruise across my jaw.

"It's pretty bad, isn't it." I dryly joked, letting a few tears fall from my eyes. He nodded, seemingly holding back emotions of his own. "When did this start happening?" His voice softly whispered.

"When mom d-died.. two years ago." I answered, feeling him use the hoodie to dry my face.

"From now on keep this in your room and text me if anything happens and I'll come get you, okay?"

I shook my head, pushing the phone back. "I-if my father f-finds o-out-"

"Your safety is important. You are already like a sister to me Jiwoo, I don't want you getting hurt. If it comes down to it you come stay here." He cut me off with a serious expression, looking me right in the eye.

I was sobbing at this point, but I couldn't stop- more importantly I didn't want to stop. I had never been able to just talk.. and cry.

"You keep this phone with you, text me if anything happens. Okay?" He repeated as I only nodded.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"

I shook my head completely lying. He obviously didn't believe me, letting out a sigh. "My friends numbers are all saved in the phone as well. I'll tell them-"

"No! Please promise me you won't tell anyone about my dad or anything please!" I panicked, catching him off guard.

"Hey hey its okay.. why don't you want me to tell anyone when we could help you?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

I grabbed his hand, holding it with both of mine. "Just promise me!"

"Okay.. I promise I won't tell anyone.." he nodded, pulling me into another hug. "Okay.." he repeated.

  "I'm here..."

  We both pulled away at the sound of a door opening, my first reaction to throw my hood back up, covering the nasty bruise as well as wiping my tears.

  A blonde boy walked into Jisungs room, frowning as he laid eyes on us. I quickly recognized him as the one who goofily ran around the house the moment they got here.

  "Who's this?"

"Felix this is our neighbor Jiwoo, Jiwoo this is my best friend and soulmate, Felix." He introduced, keeping a reassuring hand on my arm.

  Felix smiled and waved, leaning in the window. "It's nice to meet you! Isn't it a bit late to be out here though?"

  "We were finishing up getting to know one another actually." The boy stood, helping me stand as well. "I'm doing to walk her back to her window and I'll be back in." He informed his friend, making sure I had my drawing stuff and the phone.

  We walked back around, both of us hopping over. He opened my window quietly, pulling me in for one more hug. "Text me, okay?"


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