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Everyone else arrived in two cars as we all waited in the livingroom. As the door swung open the five began admiring the place.

Felix was the first to see us, his eyes slowly widening as they landed on Minho. Tears instantly filled his eyes as he loudly screamed. "Hyung!!"

It was quite a teary reunion. Jisung, Changbin and I all ended up crying again with the others.

Things started to calm down as we all sat around, Minho sitting right next to me.

"So, why did you have t-to fake your death? A-and how could y-you even pull something like that off?" Jeongin sniffled as Changbin hugged him.

Minho took a deep breath, picking at his nails. "When I was a kid being ordered around by my father, I created a lot of enemies for myself. If Hanbin is captured by the police, he has a whole group that knows I was his last target. Especially bobby, who was the man who showed up to the safe house. Even people outside of that group... So many bad people want me dead. The only thing I could think of last minute was to fake my death and let word spread. As of then, Lee Minho is dead and gone. I'll have to live quietly, but it's something I'm willing to do to keep everyone safe."

I put a hand over his, watching him hold it and mess with my fingers and rings.

"I bought a rental car, making sure they had my name written down. I drove up a cliff and waved to the lady who lives at the bottom of it so they had a witness of a sort. I drove to the top and got out, pulling the seat all the way up and shoving an umbrella in the seat to press on the gas. Changed it from park to drive and let it go off the cliff, sneaking back down through the trees. No one questioned if I was alive because it was not a survivable height and I already had an unhealed bullet wound in my stomach."

"How are you not-" Bangchan cut himself off, seemingly still trying to get ahold of everything.

"I left my phone and wallet in the hospital but took all the cash out. I went to a run down motel outside of town that I found as a kid when I was injured once. The same older lady worked there and recognized me. When I told her I was no longer apart of that and trying to hide, she promised to help me. Since she never had customers, she'd cook me dinner every night and check on my stomach to make sure it didn't get infected. I think Ms Choi is the only woman I could call a mother figure." He dryly chuckled to himself.

"Since she helped me so much, I left her the rest of the cash I had to help her for some time before I came here."

Seungmin spoke up. "How did you know where to go?"

He let out a small chuckle, motioning to Changbin. "I used Ms Choi's phone and called Changbin the night after I crashed the car."

Lots and lots of questions later, Bangchan and Changbin left to go pick up the last of everyone's stuff. Hyunjin ordered food as everyone started picking their rooms and such.

I began moving my two boxes as Minho grabbed one, following me up to my room. I admired the giant room with a bright smile, shaking my head. "It's bigger than the livingroom at the old house. What am I going to do with all of this space?"

He chuckled, placing my box of clothes next to the closet. "It is pretty big. It will be nice to have your own space."

I walked over to the french doors, pushing on them with a good shove. I gasped in awe at the beautiful view, two rocking chairs sat on either side of the balcony with small little tables too.

I stood by the edge, resting my arms on the concrete barrier. I took a deep breath, feeling at peace as the birds sang.

I jumped at the feeling of hands on my waist, giggling as Minhos face came into view. He hugged me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Beautiful, right?"

  I leaned back into his arms, letting out a hum. My cheeks grew warm as I felt his breath on my neck. I took a deep breath, missing the nervous and giggly feeling this man gave me.

  I turned around in his arms, reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck. He raised a brow as I just smiled, admiring his unique features.

  "What?" He nervously laughed, a ever so slight hint of pink covering his cheeks.

  I pulled him closer, impulsively pulling his lips to mine. He immediately responded, letting out a small hum.

  His hands dropped to my hips, my body pressed between his and the concrete. The kiss was deep and passionate, making me feel like all time had stopped.

  He slowly pulled away, placing a small kiss on the tip of my nose. "No more danger. We get to start over on a clean slate."

"And I'm so glad it's together."

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