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  I began asking questions on the way back home as the two told me all about Jae. She seems like a very sweet person.

  She's a few years older than us, being a year older than Bangchan. She moved to America for two years to study, and apparently she was back for a while.

  Once we pulled up to the house Jisung carefully helped me out of the car, grabbing all of my bags for me. My ribs started to ache, telling me I've been up and around too much today.

  I held tightly to Jisung as we walked up the steps, entering the house. "Does it hurt?" He quietly whispered.

  I nodded, watching him wrap his arm around the hard plastic brace to support my body more. Everyone greeted us, clearing a space on the couch for me.

  "Jae Noona!" Jeongin sprung to his feet, hugging the girl tightly. She gasped, hugging him back. "Boy you look so grown! You look great!"

  "You look great as well noona!!" He showed his goofy smile, taking his seat once again. Bangchan stood and gave her his seat, sitting on the arm of the opposite couch.

"I'll put these in my room for now." Jisung informed me, motioning to my new clothes as I thanked him.

"Chan hyung can you get her some pain medicine?" Jisung spoke before walking out with the bags as Bangchan got up immediately, bringing back some water along with the pills.

"So Jae how was America? Why did you decide to come back?" Hyunjin questioned with sparkling eyes, his full attention on her. It was obvious how much this girl was admired by the group, kind of making me envious of her.

  "I was home sick so I'm staying here for a while but I'm not sure of how long. Are you guys still in school?" She asked, looking around to all the boys.

  Bangchan cleared his throat. "Hyunjin and the youngers are, Changbin and Minho graduated last year and me the year before that."

  Minho hadn't lifted his eyes from his phone since she's gotten here, proving the fact that Minho dislikes both of us.

Maybe it's a female thing?

  "Oh hyung here's your card." Felix pulled out a credit card, leaning over and handing it to the male as he slid it into his phone case.

  I wanted to thank him, however my anxiety didn't let me. Perhaps I'll catch him in the hall or something and thank him then.

  "Jiwoo, do you mind if I ask what happened that put you in that brace?" My body ran cold as Felix wrapped an arm around my shoulders, giving my arm a light squeeze.

  "It's a bit of a personal story. Maybe another time." He spoke for me. I nodded, telling her that what he said was correct.

  "Now that it's mentioned we haven't even been told other than that she broke her rib." Changbin shrugged, not taking the hint as much.

  "Don't worry about it love. You don't have to share if you don't want too. I hope you get better soon." Jae smiled so kindly towards me.

  She's so sweet..

  I bowed in response, unsure of how to respond.

  Jisung finally joined us back in the livingroom, sitting on the arm of the couch next to me. He leaned close to my ear, keeping the attention away from us as the group talked.

  "Feeling any better?"

  I nodded, thanking him.

"Did you get to thank Minho?"

  I shook my head this time. "I'll do it later."

  He smiled and nodded, joining in to the conversation. After some time I began to feel uncomfortable, my ribs and back aching no matter how I sat.

  I pulled on Jisungs sleeve, him wasting no time to lean closer. "Can I go lay down upstairs for a little while?"

  He stood, helping me off the couch as we quietly walked away from the group. I'm sure I felt someones eyes, but I tried my best to ignore it.

When we got up to Jisungs room I sat down on his bed, immediately noticing the small two drawer tub holding my folded clothes.


  "I figured you could keep them in here and that would make it easier. Do you need help laying down?" He offered as I shook my head.

  "I'm okay. You can go back out if you want. I'm just going to take a nap."

  After some convincing, he walked out and I sighed, feeling my social battery completely drained. I took the brace off, carefully laying down on my back.

  I hadn't had much time alone since everything happened, but it's understandable that Jisung didn't want to leave me alone after seeing my self harm..

  Jisung, Bangchan, Felix and even Minho all saw it..

  A small knock was heard on the door as it slowly creaked open. Expecting Jisung I frowned, wondering why he was back so quickly. Until I realized; it was Minho.

  I lifted my head, slowly sitting back up as he walked in. "Hey.. you feeling alright?"

  Why is he asking me..?

  I nodded, taking a deep breath as I planned my next words. "Thank you, for the clothes. It- It means a lot."

  He nodded with his same neutral expression. "Take it as my apology for treating you so poorly the first week or so you were here." He shrugged with his hands stuffed in his pocket.

"Why.. did you?" I hesitantly spoke, unsure of how he'd react. He let out a sigh, running a hand through his silver hair.

"I thought you just made up a sob story to get one of the boys to fall for you. It sounds crazy but it's happened plenty times before. Jaehwa is the rare exception. And you of course because I was wrong about you, so for that I apologize."

I extended my hand, him nodding as he walked over and shook it. "Shouldn't you keep that brace on?"

"I struggle to lay comfortably with it on. I was going to take a small nap." I confessed, scratching the back of my neck.

"Well I'll leave you to it then. Anything you need before I walk out?" He questioned, catching me slightly off guard once again.

"No, thank you Minho."

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