I don't have time for this

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"There you are!" He smiles. "I got excited when you told me you were on your way."

"I need to pick up Nabi." Hyunjin says, ignoring his little brothers attempts to mingle completely. He has a certain mission, and he needs to get going if he wants to be on time. "I'm sorta in a rush."

"What rush could you be in?
It's almost three in the morning."

"One that's going to make me angry if I don't get out of here in the next five minutes." Hyunjin says. "Excuse me, but I am tired and have to go— like right now. So is she in her room?"

"She is." He says. "But I would appreciate some attention from my older brother for once."

"You already receive enough attention from the world, what significance does mine have?" Hyunjin gives him a look, before he turns and runs up the stairs. He doesn't even walk up them properly, he is hopping up two stairs at a time.

He walks down the long corridor, heading straight towards one of the last rooms on the left. He slowly twists the nob, and opens the door. He doesn't want to scare her awake, but he has to get out of here in time.

"Nabi?" He softly and lowly says, taking even softer steps inside the room.

"Daddy?" She mutters, in a little voice.

"Hey sweetie," he smiles, his face barely lit up by her little kitten nightlight. "We have to go, we're going on a trip." He gets closer to her, lifting her out of the bed.

Hyunjin adjust her so he's holding her comfortably for the both of them. He takes a moment and looks at her fondly, wiping the drool of her cheek— she is a messy sleeper. He smiles at her, always getting caught up with how much he loves her.

She rubs her eyes, yawning. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Hyunjin kisses her cheek, leaning down to grab her favorite stuffed animal, along with a blanket. He wants her to be as comfortable as possible wherever they end up, and these little touches of familiarity might do the trick.

"And Felix will be there." He says, walking to the door after he is sure he has everything.

"Really?" She gets more excited by the minute. "I get to see him again? Yay!"

He smiles. He doesn't know exactly why she likes him so much, but he finds it to be a good thing. He also knew that mentioning him would make her a bit more excited to go on this 'trip', so props for that.

He makes his way back down the stairs with her in his arms, not even thinking about how dangerous that might be. He is almost out the door, before the same voice form before makes him freeze— feeling a bit guilty.

"You aren't even going to say goodbye?" He comes back around the corner, catching his older brother who's trying to sneak away. There is a hint of sadness laced in the voice his words are said in, causing Hyunjin to stop.

Hyunjin turns back around, feeling shitty. He has been shitty to him for a little while now, but this tops everything else. He shows up at his brothers house, at this time of night, and doesn't even say goodbye? How much respect does he have?

"You're right, I'm sorry about that." He turns around and looks at him in the eye. He doesn't know exactly what to do, so he just waves an awkward hand. "Goodbye, and goodnight. I will see you sooner than later." He turns back around, completely ready to leave this time.

"How come you never come around anymore?" He asks. "I only ever hear from you when you want me to watch Nabi. Or want a favor. And that's almost never. Quite frankly, I don't even have a clue as to why I've seen her so much this month. "

"I really don't have time for this." Hyunjin turns back around, heading to the door. "Goodbye."

"Is it because of what I did—"

"Stop Jeongin!" Hyunjin snaps, his voice of anger echoing throughout the whole home. Everything sort of goes silent, and all the different people wroking in the big house stop, there attention going to Hyunjin. Both Jeongin and Nabi also flinch, which Hyunjin feels— causing his heart to sting in many different ways.

"God, I don't even—" He brings a hand up to his face, rubbing his forehead. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap." He says guiltily to the both of them, but more towards Jeongin. His grip on Nabi tightens, and she snuggles more into his chest now knowing he isn't actually mad. She was going to anyway, she is quite slumped.


"Save it," Hyunjin says. "I have to leave."

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