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— Chapter 40 —

Everything has been so good.

Hyunjin makes two cups of coffee, smiling like a geek to himself. Everything has been so good. Him and Felix are back to normal, and Nabi is at her uncles— giving Hyunjin a break for himself.

It's not like the little girl is so hard to deal with, it's just that Hyunjin never really has time for himself. So now that he does, he can do certain things he has wanted too for a while. And plus, it makes Hyunjin feel better to know she's at her uncles house— with guards and gates. It's honestly way better than here, with a bunch of angry stressed man in a hide-a-way home.

He finishes stirring the liquid, after adding many sweeteners to Felix's cup, and heads to the living room. Felix is sitting on the couch in pajamas, zoning out.

Hyunjin clears his throat as he enters the room, making Felix look at him instead of the floor. "What are you thinking about?" He chuckles.

Felix shakes his head. "Nothing special."

"Nothing special?" Hyunjin repeats as a question, handing Felix the coffee before he sits down comfortably on the couch by Felix. "That's hard to believe."

Felix chuckles. "I guess."

Hyunjin smiles. "Well," he starts. "What should we do in our paradise today?" He says sarcastically.

"Well I still have work to do." Felix says. "So it's not so much 'paradise' for me." He takes a sip of the liquid, surprised since it isn't so bitter.

"Does that mean you have to go?"

"I probably should." Felix says, getting up. He looks behind him as Hyunjin, offering a little smile Bertie he walks away. "I'll come find you when I'm done."
He says as he is waking away.

Hyunjin raises a brow at the sudden exit, but just shakes his head.

However, the truth is that Felix feels guilty. Guiltier than he has ever felt. Ever since yesterday, he can't get the angering thought that there is even a slight chance Hyunjin could be a part of the murders. Even after they screamed, kissed, cried, and made love.. he still doesn't trust the older man fully.

What a dick.

He walks into the office area, closing the door behind him. He walks around the corner, heading towards the desk, but there is already somebody sitting there. He jumps as he sees Chan, not expecting the older.

"Oh my—" he says.

"Oh–" Chan says as Felix jumps.

Felix stays still, just looking at Chan. He hasn't seen the guy since his outburst at dinner, and he doesn't know what to say. He isn't mad, he knows Chan has issues with his tempter, but it still doesn't excuse his words.

Chan looks back at him, before starting to slowly close his computer. "Would you like me too.." he motions to the door, asking if Felix would like him to leave without actually asking. It's kind of painful to see how their healthy relationship has shredded to prices.

"Oh no," Felix shakes his head, feeling even guiltier now. "You can stay, I should go instead." He says with a weak smile, before he turns to the door as he makes his way out.

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