Go home

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— Chapter one —

"I rest my case." Han said, sitting down in his chair after his rant.

Chan looked up at him, "Are you absolutely sure? That's a big accusation.." He tilted his head with an unsure expression.

"That can't be true." Minho says, shaking his head at Jisung. "Mr. Yang was in Paris last week, according to his scheduled flight."

Jisung groans with annoyance. "Fuck you're right. So then who does that leave us with?"

"Wait a minute," Felix speaks suddenly. "If yang arrived in Paris on Thursday, like it says on record, then why is there no security footage of his arrival or departure?"

Minho tilts his head. "What do you mean?"

Felix motions his head to the big screen, and shares his laptop screen. He pulls up the footage from the time he was supposed to show, and sits back in his chair. The footage shows a crowd of people getting on the plane, but no sign of Yang.

"And then look at this," Felix says as he pulls up another video, from a different location.

The footage shows the plane landing, and the passengers exiting the plane. As expected, there is no sight of Yang anywhere. Felix looks to everyone else in the room, who look just as shocked as him.

"There is no way we could have missed him." Felix says.

"So if he didn't exit or even board the plane.." Jisung says aloud. "Then that means that it was him who did it, and I was right on target the whole time."

"We don't know for sure—" Minho clarifies, but Felix cuts him off.

"Oh, we do." A new video is put on the screen, this time the security footage of the day the murder took place. The video shows a clear image of Yang's face, and him putting a bullet in the victims head. Felix spins his chair to look at the rest of his group, smiling proudly at his discovery.

"Shit.." Chan mutters.

Jisung clicks his tongue. "I told you guys. I had it all figured out and you doubted me." He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Especially you, Minho," He mutters.

"I didn't, I believed you the whole time." Felix defends.

"No matter who believes who, we have work to do." Minho stands up, motioning to Han. "Let's go."

Han smirks. "I'll get the keys!" He yells from behind, grabbing the keys off of Chan's desk.

Jisung runs and follows Minho out of the room in a hurry, leaving the other two behind. Felix stops sharing his screen and closes his laptop, ready to leave as well. He figures since they are busy arresting Yang, he might as well just get some side work done as we wait for the boys to bring the criminal.

"Great work today." Chan says out of the blue.

Felix turns to him and smiles, nodding his head. "Thanks."

"You're really clever." Chan says, standing up to Felix's level. "You should take the rest of the day off, since you were a big help. There isn't much left to do anyway."

"But I have to question Yang when they get back?" Felix says, or more asks. He tilts his head in confusion.

"Han and Minho can handle it." Chan assures. "Just go home! You've been working all week."

Felix looks back to his computer, then shakes his head, waving his hand. "No, no it's okay. I have to reset the-"

"I can do that for you as well. Really, go home." He moves his sleeve and checks his watch "There is only two hours left of your shift anyway."

"Okay fine.'' He sighs. "Only because you ask, not because I totally want to."

Chan chuckles, patting his back. "Take a rest." He smiles. "You deserve it."

Felix smiles at Chan, who smiles back. He gives him one last pay before he makes his way to the door, leaving the conference room. Felix keeps smiling as he packs up his things. He is so ready to just go home, especially after all the work he has done this week.

The cases he has been working on have been really gruesome, and just downright disturbing. His job isn't so easy at the end of the day. Not because of the investigation, that's easy if you are quick, but because of all the things he has to investigate. Some of the things he has seen really messed him up in so many ways. This job isn't for the weak.

After Felix gathered all of his belongings, he made his way out of the office and to his car. He has a quick ride home, but traffic might mess it all up for him. The traffic at this time is crazy, because school usually gets out and everyone rushes to get there.

As expected, the traffic was terrible. He was almost rear-ended while he was pulling into his street. However his street was also jammed, and he learned the reason why when he got closer to his home. There was a moving truck in the house next door, and a bunch of nice cars parked around the home.

Felix had a hard time pulling into his driveway, but eventually he got in. When he got out of his car, he checked over to see if he could get any idea of what the neighbors would be like. He already figures they have money, because these houses aren't cheap— neither are all the cars.

When he peeks over in the driveway, he sees a little girl holding a stuffed animal. He smiled at the fact he has kids in the neighborhood now, and not just old people who scream and yell.

She turns her head over to him, and gets shy when she sees him looking over at her. She slowly waves her hand, which Felix smiles at— not forgetting to wave back to the little girl. Felix absolutely adores kids, so he finds her adorable.

However, he is immediately startled when he sees a tall man in a black suit walk over to her. He swoops her up in his arms, kissing her face. Felix smiles at the way she giggles, and looks down at the ground to chuckle.

When he looks back up, he locks eyes with the man. The girl seems to be happily chatting away while pointing at Felix, and the dad just stares at him with an unreadable expression.

The man raised a brow at him, and Felix immediately looked away, turning to run inside his home. He slams the door shut when he is inside, breathing heavily. He slaps his forehead with his hand, scolding himself for doing what he just did.

He slowly walks to his window, moving the blinds out of the way so he could peek out at the two again. When he does, he sees the older man chuckling while shaking his head. The girl is also giggling, holding her hand to her mouth.

Felix cringes as he sees their reactions, closing the blinds and falling to the floor. "What the hell was that.." he whines at himself.

When he regains himself, he stands back up and finally takes his shoes and coat off. Neatly putting them both away afterwards. He heads to his kitchen, ready to finally eat something after not eating all day.

He decided to make a sandwich, and opened a bottle of coke to side with it. As he is chomping on his sandwich, he checks his calendar to see which time he works tomorrow. He is met with the fact he actually doesn't work tomorrow, which makes him do a celebration cheer.

"Let's go!" He does a weird hand thing. After noticing what he did, he cringes at himself.

He heads back to the kitchen, grabbing a bunch of unhealthy snacks and a bottle of wine. He is ready to spend his whole night watching sad k-dramas and drinking, since he can be as hungover as he wants tomorrow.

It's so wonderful living alone.

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